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    Xiaomi CEO is caught using iPhone and receives criticism

      Weibo, a kind of Twitter in China, can detect which smartphone was used to make posts. In the past, this function was used to find out which model was under development, as executives leaked the name of the device when making certain publications.

      However, the feature present on the platform ended up denouncing Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, who was caught using an iPhone. After making a post recommending some books, everyone noticed that the executive published the message through an Apple smartphone.

      As might be expected, the incident generated quite a stir, with several people criticizing Lei Jun for using a competing brand smartphone, given that he is an important name within Xiaomi. A short time later, the executive deleted the post, but Pan Jiutang, another company representative, spoke up in Lei's defense.

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      Xiaomi CEO is caught using iPhone and receives criticism

      Pan described as hypocritical any comments from directors and managers of major brands who say they have never used smartphones from Apple and Samsung, for example. He also said that sometimes there are certain innovations that are copied and then improved upon, meaning having devices from other companies can serve as inspiration for future products.

      If we look closely, the fact that Lei Jun was caught using an iPhone is not "out of this world", after all, the CEO of Realme also made a post on Twitter through an Apple smartphone, while the founder of Huawei left clearly admires the ecosystem of the Cupertino giant.

      It is worth remembering that the CEO of Xiaomi has already stated in interviews that employees are not prohibited from using products from competing brands. However, we know that there are people who do not agree with this decision, especially when we are talking about a high-ranking executive.

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