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    Everything indicates that Apple Pay should be coming to Spain

      The wait for Apple Pay is already long, rumors indicated that it would soon be available here in Spain, but they were just rumors, and the wait got longer and longer. However, according to information from MacMagazine, users began to report receiving messages related to Apple Wallet's terms of use, something that was not supported in Spain until then.

      Previously, when the user tried to register their credit card in Apple Wallet, messages such as: "Unable to add the card", "Your administrator does not yet support this card" or even "Could not set up Apple Pay ". But this time, users were faced with terms of use, which despite not confirming anything, give strong indications that the service may be coming.

      Everything indicates that Apple Pay should be coming to Spain


      What strengthens the rumor is the following excerpt from the terms of service: "With the eligible card information already available on the Apple Inc platform, the Customer, when making purchases or transactions that he intends to authenticate through Apple Wallet, must place his cell phone close to the terminal reader duly enabled for the technology, thus enabling data transmission and due authorization".

      Although Apple has not yet commented on the arrival of the service in Spain, we will continue to follow the rumors, after all, last month the apple competitor launched Android Pay here and maybe this is the first step for Apple to start compete for this market here too.

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