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    Foldable iPhone: Apple should introduce model only in 2023

    Foldable iPhone: Apple should introduce model only in 2023

    It is not today that we hear about a probable Foldable iPhone. The objective of making such a model refers specifically to pleasing the company's fan audience, which since the first foldable Androids appeared in 2019, there has never been an alternative for those who use iOS. But while the foldable smartphone market appears to be well established, Apple has plans to release its version of the technology in a relatively distant time.

    According to one of Apple's most trusted analysts, Ming-Chi Kuo, the Cupertino giant is already developing a foldable iPhone prototype, but should reach the public in an official version only in 2023. In addition to the year of release, the report acquired by Kuo even reveals some specifications of the device.

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    What to expect from the foldable iPhone?

    With the help of some supply industry sources, Kuo was able to get some information on what to expect from the company's first foldable iPhone. For example, the screen will be 8 inches in size when unfolded and will have a QHD+ resolution.

    This screen will be manufactured by Samsung, one of the most recognized companies in the display industry and a pioneer in the foldable smartphone market. The report also states that the Apple plans to stock 15-20 million foldable iPhones.

    The foldable smartphone market is already well established by Samsung and LG, a company that ended its activities in the smartphone sector early last month. Anyway, Apple's strategy is mere speculation, and should only be made official for those who prefer to use a model that runs iOS.

    In addition to Apple, some companies are also beginning to move into the production of their versions of the technology, like Oppo, vivo, Honor and recently Xiaomi with the launch of Mi Mix Fold. Despite having started in 2019, the race for a folding model has now started, perhaps because of the maturation of technology.

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