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    Gmail Now Allows One-to-One Voice and Video Calls Without Links

    Gmail Now Allows One-to-One Voice and Video Calls Without Links

    Initiating voice and video calls using Google services has never been easier. It is now possible to make individual audio and video calls within the Gmail app under the "Chats" located at the bottom of the screen.

    The button for audio and video calls was first announced in September, but it wasn't until earlier this week that it started to appear for any user of Google Workspace, G Suite or personal Google accounts. Previously it was necessary to generate an invite link to start an audio and video conversation.

    Gmail app will start making and receiving calls; see how it works

    Gmail Now Allows Linkless Voice and Video Calls

    According to Google on its blog, buttons will be implemented at the top of each individual chat to initiate an audio and video call. It might be a simple addition, but it increasingly turns the Gmail app into a hub for all communication services.

    How links work in Gmail. Source: Google

    Launch and availability

    From the beginning of this week, individual chats in the Gmail app started to receive the function of audio and video calls. The novelty will be implemented gradually, that is, if you still don't have access to the feature, wait.

    Verified accounts in Gmail

    In July of this year, Google started implementing stamps for verified accounts in its email service. Originally announced in 2020, the verified account seal for Gmail emails began to be applied and aims to increase user safety, as there are scams that use the doubt about the veracity of what is being passed on message.

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