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    Google Chrome 88: Update Brings Weak Password Verification

      With the new update Google Chrome, version 88, will now check if your saved passwords have been compromised, or if they are simply weak, a standard feature for most dedicated password managers.

      If it finds a compromised password, it will provide an alert to change it to a more secure password. Version 88 also adds the tab search feature that was previously found in version 87 of ChromeOS.

      Google Chrome 88: Update Brings Weak Password Verification

      Check for the update to get access to new features.

      Google Chrome 88: Update Brings Weak Password Verification

      Check your passwords with the new feature.

      If you have many tabs open, you can use tab search to search any of the open tabs. However, the feature is not enabled after the update, so you can enable it by typing the following command, chrome://flags/#enable-tab-search.

      Google Chrome 88: Update Brings Weak Password Verification

      Enable the search bar in open tabs.

      The browser has also improved dark mode on Windows by making your scrollbars dark in settings pages if dark mode is enabled on Windows. Unfortunately, this seems to be the only place this happens, and real web pages, even those that have a dark mode, still use the default scrollbar.

      Some other functions and features have been removed. There is no more support for Adobe Flash, after all who uses Flash for websites the most?! The browser has also removed support for FTP client access within the browser. Support for macOS Yosemite has been removed. Lastly, the update to version 88 also removed support for Legacy Browser Support (LBS).

      With the changes, Google Chrome seems to be faster and most importantly, consuming less RAM memory, but that doesn't mean you'll open twice as many navigation tabs as you're used to opening.

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