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    Google Chrome gains "highest performance seen in years" in the latest update

    Google Chrome gains

    According to Google developers, the Chrome browser gained major improvements in the latest update that came out this week. According to the company, there was a great performance gain compared to the updates that have been made available in recent years.

    Chrome Browser Product Director Matt Waddell says:

    "This month's update represents the biggest performance gain for Chrome in years."

    The first improvement is related to tabs, where now the browser will prioritize the tab that is currently active. This means the processor won't have to worry about running as many tasks as before, thus reducing CPU usage by up to 5x according to the developers, increasing battery life by up to 1,25 hours (based on internal testing by Google). It was said by Google:

    "We did this without sacrificing the background features that users care about, like playing music and getting notifications."

    In addition to the Chrome performance improvement mentioned above, there was also a 25% improvement in the time the browser took to open. In addition, the browser is now able to open websites 7% faster. Developers say the browser is able to "do all this using less power and RAM than before".

    Search by tabs

    Another interesting novelty that is being implemented is the search by tabs. The novelty is initially being released on Chromebooks and will be made available later for the desktop browser versions.

    "You'll now be able to see a list of your open tabs - regardless of which window they're in - and then quickly type to find the one you need."

    Tab search in #Chrome is a new way to find an open tab – just type the page name you’re looking and for and it’ll pop up. Learn more about this latest version of Chrome →

    — Chrome (@googlechrome) November 17, 2020

    Address bar will perform actions in browser

    Another interesting point is that now the address bar for writing websites or search terms will be able to perform actions in Chrome.

    "For example: when you type "edit passwords" or "delete history", you can now perform an action directly on the bar. Our first set of actions - initially available for desktop - focuses on privacy and security, so you can increase your peace of mind with a few clicks."


    Another interesting feature will be the "cards", which will appear when opening a new tab in Chrome.

    "To help you get back to activities like planning a meal, researching a holiday gift, or relaxing with a video, we'll soon be adding cards to your new tab page in Chrome. Clicking them will take you to recently visited and related content on the web and will save you time in the process."

    The cards mentioned above will only appear for some users for now. According to Google, the function will be available to everyone in 2021.

    What do you think of the new features being implemented in the Chrome browser? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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