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    Google has sold over 55 million Chromecast units

      This week, at an event, Google presented its new devices. At the time, the company revealed data on the sales of its devices.

      The search giant has shown that it is not bad when it comes to sales. The company even revealed the count of how many questions Google Assistant users have already asked: 100 million.

      Google has sold over 55 million Chromecast units

      Google has sold over 55 million Chromecast units.

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      The trend is that this number will increase significantly, especially if we take into account that the assistant is present in several of the company's products, and even in the recently announced Google Hom Mini and Home Max smart speakers, in addition to wireless headphones. Pixel Buds.

      At the Conference, Google also commented on its Chromecast. The device, in four years, had a total of 55 million units sold. In addition to great features, the value of the device is another strong point.

      The device is sold in the United States for about US$ 69. Smart TV owners in many cases choose to have their own Chromecast and not use the TV's operating system.

      In Spain, Chromecast has a higher value. A device that used to cost US$ 35 here in the United States arrived at R$ 399.

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