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    Google Maps will gain great news in the indication of routes

    Google Maps will gain great news in the indication of routes

    Google recently announced that it has started to implement new features for Google Maps, such as a tool to help with routes within establishments and routes to achieve greater fuel efficiency. The features will not be available all at once and will not be offered to all regions of the world for the time being.

    Live View for establishments

    One of the big news coming to Google Maps is Live View (directions displayed on the screen through augmented reality) for establishments such as airports, public transport stations and shopping malls. To use Live View, just use your cell phone camera and view the arrows and icons with instructions on where you need to go to get to your destination. Previously, the function only worked in outdoor environments such as the streets.

    Live View for establishments. Source: Google

    Using means of transport on routes

    Previously, to view a route for different modes of transport, the user had to switch between the options. However, with the new interface implemented, the person will be able to select the option that he/she likes the most through a list. According to Google, the new system can even prioritize user preference modes or select those that are most used by the population.

    Using the means of transport on the routes. Source: Google

    Low fuel consumption routes

    Another novelty in Google Maps is the indication of routes that have a lower fuel consumption. Called ecological routes, they will be an alternative to the fastest option to reach the destination.

    Routes with low fuel consumption. Source: Google

    Climate and air quality

    Google will also implement weather and air quality information in Google Maps. Informing about temperature and rainfall in the place, for example, in addition to saying the level of air pollution in a certain region.

    Weather and air quality on Google Maps. Source: Google
    Google Maps will soon receive a function that allows you to draw changes on the map

    Launch and availability

    Live View for indoor environments (establishments) will be available, for now, in the cities of Chicago, Long Island, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle in the USA. The next regions to receive the news in the coming months will be Tokyo and Zurich. The company says more cities are "on the way."

    The new transport interface will be launched globally in the coming months. The economic routes will be launched in the US in 2021 and in the not-too-distant future, globally.

    Information on climate and local pollution will be made available first in Australia, India and the United States.

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