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    Google Photos will get safe and animated images via AI soon

    Yesterday, Tuesday (18), the so-called 'Google I/O' began, an event in which the Mountain View giant presents its main projects for the year, in addition to revealing some details about Android, the company's operating system that is updated annually to a more current version with new features. During the conference, the company also revealed the arrival of new features in Photos, an image and video storage application in the Google Cloud that has thousands of users.

    For the next updates, it is expected that the service will receive new security measures in order to guarantee the privacy of users and also gain greater integration with AI, thus allowing to create GIFs from duplicate images.

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    Animated photos

    One of the functions that will come to Google Photos soon is the possibility of animating static images, that is, from a photograph it will be possible to create some simple animations, such as a smile, movement of the face or arms, for example. It will not be possible to select which area will be animated, everything will be done automatically using Artificial Intelligence (AI) application by combining two duplicate images taken at almost the same time.

    The function is being called 'cinematic moments' and will be available for both Android and iOS, although there is still no date on when the feature will officially arrive for users. As usual, Google is expected to release it first to people enrolled in the Photos beta tester program.

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    Google Photos will get safe and animated images via AI soon

    Animated images in Photos: (Video: Playback/The Verge).

    Secure folder and memory lock

    This function has been awaited for years by Google Photos users, which despite being a modern and complete service still does not provide a basic feature: folder lock with a password. Using third-party applications or native functions in the system itself, it is possible to restrict access to Photos, but within the app it is not possible to create a safe to store media safely.

    The vault should arrive in the next Google Photos updates, but there is still no prediction. Another functionality that will be implemented is the 'memory blocking', being allowed to register some people or specific dates for the application to block. Google Photos AI has received several improvements in recent years and is currently capable of distinguishing faces, animals or landscapes, so memory blocking will be used efficiently based on content already known to Artificial Intelligence.

    Finally! Google Photos receives update and brings advanced video editing

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