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    Google reveals most popular smartphones before Christmas

      As we well know, Christmas is very close and many people go out in search of gifts for friends and family or even end up buying a new product for their own consumption. Taking advantage of the discount season, smartphones are items that end up on the list of most welcome gifts.

      For those who do not need to do a good research before making a purchase, the internet, especially Google, is one of the most sought after ways to do so. Thus, Google released a survey with the TOP 10 smartphones most sought after by Spaniards this Christmas season. The list of devices was based on data gathered until the last day 19 of this month.

      Google reveals most popular smartphones before Christmas

      iPhone 7 is the most searched device on Google before Christmas.

      • The best apps to download music on iPhone without piracy
      • The Story of iOS [Updated iOS 12.1]
      Check out the list of the most searched devices this year on Google below:

      10- iPhone 8 (2,2%)

      9- Samsung Galaxy S8 (2,2%)

      8- Moto G5 Plus (2,3%)

      7- iPhone 6s (2,5%)

      6- iPhone X (2,5%)

      5- iPhone 6 (2,7%)

      4- Samsung Galaxy J7 (2,8%)

      3- Moto G5 (2,9%)

      2- Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime (3,5%)

      1-iPhone 7 (3,8%)

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