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    Hackers manage to break into Apple's network and steal user data

      The Australian press reported that a young hacker from the country managed to bypass Apple's security and download about 90 gigabytes of sensitive files from Apple. He would also have been able to access some of the company's customer data.

      The information is present in a lawsuit that runs in the Court of Australia and was published through The Age, which also mentions that the boy was a "big fan" of Apple and had the dream of being able to work in the company. Now, found guilty, the young man will not work in any other company, as he will go to prison.

      Apple did not disclose what data was stolen, that is, what information was in the files. In any case, during the investigation by the FBI and the Australian authorities, the company did its best to keep the case from being publicized in the international press.

      Hackers manage to break into Apple's network and steal user data

      Hackers manage to break into Apple's network and steal user data. The Apple company did its best to keep the matter from leaking to the media.

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      The press did not mention whether the young man ever sold Apple's information to third parties. The information that was released by the authorities is that the boy would have talked to some people through WhatsApp.

      The contents of the conversations were not disclosed. For now, with the lawsuit in court, the Australian Federal Police continues to investigate two notebooks that were seized to find out how the young man had access to "authorized keys" of Apple systems.

      It is worth mentioning that earlier this week the government of Australia scheduled a debate on the attempt to weaken the encryption used by Apple and also other companies. In June of this year, Apple was fined $6,7 million by Australian regulators over iPhone and iPad repair practices.

      As we can see, nothing is as safe as it seems.

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