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    How to watch WWDC 2020 today? And what to expect?

    How to watch WWDC 2020 today? And what to expect?

    As was reported last week, today the events of Apple WWDC 2020 begin, a show where the company demonstrates its next steps to developers and announces news to the public, be it a new iOS (or will it be iPhone OS?) or new products in its line of products. computers, notebooks, smartphones or tablets.

    In addition to helping you to watch the full show, we will talk a little about what we expect to see starting today at the event. We believe that there will be several news following the news that Apple would have ended the contract with Intel in the use of its processors in entry-level notebooks of the brand.

    How to watch the event?

    Well, without a doubt the biggest reason you're here is to know how to watch the event live in an official way, and that's pretty simple. Just go to Apple's YouTube channel or go to the video below and you'll see the official broadcast.

    In this YouTube video we will have all the details that will be revealed live to the public today, but this time there will be shorter videos that will be released as the days of the event go by, a different way to deal with the limitations imposed by the pandemic of COVID-19.

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    What to expect?

    Now we are going to discuss a little about what are the news that we most expect to find during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference.

    The interruption of a partnership of more than 15 years with Intel is undoubtedly the big news of the moment, we already knew that the company's own processors have great power and in some cases they even beat conventional computer models in some activities, but now it looks like Apple will be making the complete transition to using them on its own computers.

    One of the questions that remains in the air is how Apple will support the applications both on its "old" computers - models sold so far that still use Intel processors - and on the new ones, after all, an architecture change, from X86 to ARM, brings major changes at all levels of software, from simple applications to the core of the Operating System.

    Company systems updates

    As is tradition every year the event takes place, we expect to see the new iOS 14 (or the rename to iPhone OS, as rumors say) make it to the company's mobile models alongside updates to macOS, watchOS, iPadOS, and maybe a new tvOS for Apple TV owners.

    As for the big news that the new systems should bring, include blood oxygen tracking and sleep reading for Apple Watch owners who upgrade to watchOS 7.

    Other than that, there's still not much to talk about, the vast majority of the most anticipated updates have already been delivered in the latest "wave" of company updates, the most notable being Dark Mode for iOS and iPadOS.

    If the switch from Intel chips to ARM in their computers really solidifies, then we can expect big announcements of updates and changes to how the company's system will behave, but so far we can't confirm by official means.

    Novos Apple AR Glasses

    Several renders emerged of what may be the new model of Apple Glasses announced there many years ago but which ended up never getting off the ground.

    The information comes straight from the designer Jony Ive who has worked at the company for many years, apparently he didn't really agree with the project, but we should see the same being taken forward by the company.

    There are rumors that the product could be launched in 2023, while others speak of launches as early as next year. Again, these are just rumors and we expect the company to release more details about the augmented reality glasses and their state of development during the 4 days of the conference.

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