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    iMessage could reach Windows through partnership between Microsoft and Apple

      During BUILD 2018, Microsoft unveiled the Your Phone application, which aims to integrate the use of smartphones with the computer, synchronizing all content between them automatically.

      On Android, the procedure should work without limitations, however, when talking about iPhone we know that there is a restriction, that is, iMessage messages cannot be synchronized.

      However, Microsoft intends to change the situation, and so, in partnership with Apple, it should bring iMessage, Apple's proprietary messaging protocol, to Windows 10. It is worth mentioning that until then, Apple does not allow third-party applications to have access. to iMessage, however, with the collaboration of Tim Cook, this can all be arranged.

      iMessage could reach Windows through partnership between Microsoft and Apple

      iMessage could reach Windows through a partnership between Microsoft and Apple.

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      "Apple makes it difficult in terms of [syncing for] messages, but we are willing to work with them. I want to do this in an official way respecting the ecosystem we are building and at the same time, delivering a pleasant user experience. Messages is an app that we're still not where we should be compared to Android, but we need to work with Apple," said Microsoft General Manager Shilpa Ranganathan. 

      We have no information on whether Apple will accept Microsoft's proposal, what we assume is that the partnership is very unlikely to happen. Apple could lose out if it opened iMessage to Windows, as it would affect sales and Macs, which tend to cost much more than traditional computers.

      Microsoft has so far not negotiated a partnership with Apple to bring iMessage to the Your Phone app. It would certainly be a very interesting experience to use.

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