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    iPhone 12 Mini and Pro Max - Pre-order starts today in Europe and USA

    iPhone 12 Mini and Pro Max - Pre-order starts today in Europe and USA

    Today, Apple began accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max. As happened three weeks ago, when the company announced the pre-sale of the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro, Apple will open its online store simultaneously at 13:XNUMX UTC.

    This means that the company will open all stores at the same time; while in China the clock should indicate 21:18, in India it will be 30:14, 13:08 in Continental Europe and 05:35 in the UK. Anxious people living in the US might consider the XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. east and XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. Pacific time. This first batch of pre-sales should reach more than XNUMX countries.

    iPhone 12 will arrive in Spain on November 20 and price can exceed R$ 10 thousand

    The HomePod Mini, leather cases and MagSafe wireless charger are also available from the company's online store to order.

    Shipping to those people who order their new iPhone starts next Friday, November 13th, the same date that pre-sales should start in Spain. The iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max will be officially launched on Spanish soil on November 20th.

    User reports

    After Apple confirmed the pre-sale of its new top-of-the-line smartphone, some people came to the net and published posts and even videos about their experiences with the new iPhones.

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    About the iPhone 12 Mini, The Verge wrote;

    "Honestly, it's a little awkward to hold at first, especially if you're coming from a big phone. Some things require a little more adjustment, like typing for example. But for the first time since the iPhone 8, Apple made a flagship phone. that almost anyone should be able to comfortably wear and hold with just one hand".

    As for the 12-inch iPhone 6,7 Pro Max, CNET publishes the following;

    "As with other Apple Plus and Max editions, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is really big. It really looks like a surfboard." - joked. "Looking at it on its own is a little misleading, as its size is proportionally similar to the full-size models. But when you compare it, placing it next to another iPhone, then you realize it's really big."

    The TechCrunch blog even adds that the iPhone 12 Pro Max doesn't look too big, despite being the biggest iPhone in history.

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