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    iPhone 5G should not arrive before 2020

      5G technology is starting to arrive, and many smartphone makers are investing in devices that can support the network. However, according to a Bloomberg report, Apple may take a little longer to make a device with the technology available. The publication says that a 5G-compatible iPhone should not arrive before 2020.

      Bloomberg, citing several sources familiar with Apple's intentions, says that Intel is the top candidate to supply the 5G modem. The idea is in line with the current situation between Apple and Qualcomm, the biggest maker of modern chips.

      iPhone 5G should not arrive before 2020

      Apple should not make iPhone 5G available until 2020.

      Apple, prior to 5G, was the slowest in the market to adopt 4G, which turned out to be a good strategy for the company. While other brands ended up forcing 4G LTE components into their devices, which ended up compromising both size and battery life in the process, Apple waited until the technology was more mature, and so made a smooth transition.

      We still don't know for sure how this entire transition process to Apple's 5G will be and if the market will wait for all this. What we are sure of is that Apple always presents quality products, even if it is not a pioneer in new technologies.

      "Apple has always been a laggard in cellular technology," said Mark Hung, an analyst at Gartner Inc. "They haven't been affected in the past, but 5G will be much easier to commercialize." But if they wait beyond 2020 then I think they will be affected."             

      Source: Bloomberg

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