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    iPhone X: Check out the first impressions

    Table of Contents
    1. Face ID
    2. Camera
    3. Fabric
    4. General conclusions

    iPhone X: Check out the first impressions

    While we are content with the release of the iPhones 8 and 8 Plus, which takes place tomorrow in Spain, some countries are already getting to know the iPhone X closely.

    The US press even received units of the device sent by the Apple in advance so that they could share their first impressions.

    With only one screen option, larger than the iPhone 8 in body and smaller than the 8 Plus, the company's “commemorative” model received a considerable change, losing very characteristic points such as the “home” button and the fingerprint identifier. Let's see what the foreign press thinks of the news.

    Face ID

    The main release of Apple this year has more emphasis on the facial recognition. Many of its features are geared towards this functionality: the design, for example, with space for the on-screen recognition engine, portrait photos on the front camera and the animojis are some of them.

    iPhone X: Check out the first impressions
    Face ID is the new way to unlock iPhone

    Nilay patel, from the website The Verge, tried the function and… was not entirely satisfied.

    According to him, the configuration is extremely simple, more than touch ID. Just turn your face in front of the screen twice and the system quickly registers your features.

    Initially it works very well and impress. Over time, it gets even better and captures new features and possible changes in the face.

    Some issues arise only with some time of use. Slower variations are identified without problems, others more drastic, such as a shave, may already make it necessary to enter the password. Sunglasses do not let the system fail, as long as they allow infrared to pass through the lens.

    The biggest problem, contrary to what many believed, is the excess light. Everyone expected that the biggest difficulty would be in the dark, but when leaving the office on a sunny day, Patel noticed significant system flaws:

    “I went into the shade and had to bring the phone a lot closer to my face than usual. I also went to a Deli that has a wide variety of lights inside and Face ID has also become significantly more inconsistent.”

    He also noted that recent Apple products require users to adapt to them, rather than the other way around, such as the habit of always looking straight at the device to unlock it, one of the company's indications of how Face works. ID Just taking it out of your pocket and watching the screen, with the device next to your pants, does not activate the recognition system.


    Unsurprisingly, the cameras of the iPhones 8 and, especially, the iPhone 8 Plus have been very pleasing and have stood out in tests. How iPhone X is no different. In fact, there are even some better spots.

    iPhone X: Check out the first impressions
    Comparison made by the TechCrunch website.

    Matthew Panzarino, from the website TechCrunch, said the differences are subtle and more technical compared to 8 iPhone Plus.

    It highlights the ability to take photos with different levels of brightness, including high light, and image stabilization. This last feature even helps in macro photos, bringing better definition in the details.

    In more common lighting conditions, the difference between the two models is small, but the on-screen visibility impressed Panzarino:

    “The OLED screen on the iPhone X makes any image look better, with more depth and color detail. Even new or old photos look equally better to look at.”


    Karen Haslam, from british MacWorld, noted the benefits of having a bigger screen on a device easy to handle. A mixture of the screens of the other two models.

    iPhone X: Check out the first impressions

    No Mashable, Lance Ulanoff choose the screen of iPhone X as better screen of all iPhones. The minimal edges and their curves in the contours were quite praised.

    Despite the initial strangeness with “the notch” at the top of the screen, Ulanoff describes the camera TrueDepth like the most recent innovation from Apple. According to him, some time after using the device, it is easy to get used to the detail:

    "I'd be lying if I said I never noticed the notch, but after a while, I stopped noticing it."

    Ulanoff still comments on the lack of the “home” button and says that he tried to press a button that does not exist on the screen in the first 24 hours. "It is a species of Ghost Button Syndrome”, he jokes.

    General conclusions

    “Solid, strong and beautiful”, It is like Daniel Eran Dilger, I AppleInsider describes the device. One amazing set of characteristics that was to be expected, even by the high price.

    In addition to the aforementioned items, Dilger still includes as important differentials, although they are also present in the iPhones 8 and 8 Plusthe charging wirelessly, the water and dust resistancethe TrueTone and the advanced processor A11 Bionic.

    In the first moments, the iPhone X has made a good impression. despite some disappointments, with FaceID, the functionality remains a very interesting and innovative novelty.

    Also leave your opinion about the iPhone X here in the comments.

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