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    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected

    Table of Contents
    1. How it works
    2. Instalação
    3. Fuel consumption
    4. Price
    5. Main features
    6. Conclusion

    O Engi is a device that, accompanied by its own app, makes your car smarter and more connected. In addition, it is capable of monitoring fuel consumption and the operation of the main internal components of motor vehicles.

    However, does the gadget really work? Why would it be worth monitoring your car's health through this app? Check out these and other answers in our review!

    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected

    How it works

    Once installed, every time the user enters the car, the app will automatically detect the vehicle's operation and, with that, it will start monitoring the journey. On its main panel, the engine temperature, battery condition, alternator and the existence of alerts in the car's central are already shown. In addition, the application performs a diagnosis that, according to the manufacturer, is capable of looking for more than 10 different problems.

    Once a problem has been identified, the app looks for and suggests suggestions for mechanical/electrical assistance capable of performing the necessary services. In these suggestions are the values ​​practiced and qualifications made by the last customers to use the services.

    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected


    Installation is very simple. Just locate the diagnostic socket (as in the picture below) on your car and insert the device Engi. All vehicles have this entrance, but its location may vary depending on the car make and model. However, the car owner's manual usually indicates where the entrance is.

    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected
    example of entrance location for Engie on a Ford pickup truck – Ranger 2014

    Fuel consumption

    Another very cool function performed by the application is the monitoring of fuel consumption. Thus, the app shows the expenses related to each trip, allowing us to know the average consumption (in Km/L) and the expenses (in R$) achieved in each trip. However, at the end of each month, he prepares a report that reports the vehicle's condition and the calculated monthly fuel expenses.

    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected


    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected

    A Engi is for sale online on the manufacturer's website, for R$ 69,00 for version compatible with tablets and mobile phones Android, R$ 99,00 for the device-compatible version of the Apple. The Site offers the option for payment in up to 12 installments.

    Main features

    Check out the main features of the Intelbras FR201 Electronic Lock:

    • Connection: Bluetooth (Android) e WIFi (Apple) 
    • More than 10 thousand errors monitored;
    • Rectangular design;
    • Easy installation;
    • Compatible with Spanish vehicles;
    • Application in Spanish;
    • Monitor fuel consumption;
    • Shows battery health;


    Finally, the Engi proved in our tests as a simple but efficient tool to get to know our car better. In addition, it is also very useful to prevent possible problems and improve our habits to obtain savings in fuel consumption. Its price is very fair and affordable. We recommend the purchase.

    Review: Engie – Make Your Car Smarter and Connected

    To learn more, visit Engie's official website.

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