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    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    Table of Contents
    1. Overview
    2. washing functions
    3. putting to the test
    4. Maintenance
    5. Price: is it worth it?
    6. Technical specifications:
    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
    The technology EcoBubble ensures better energy efficiency to the WD60000

    The vast majority of people do not think about buying a machine Wash & Dry until you notice that, during the day to day, they are a complete hand on the wheel: nothing is more practical than having your clothes clean and usable in matter of minutes – and that's why we decided to analyze one of the most popular launches on the market, the Wash & Dry WD6000 (WD10J6410AW), from Samsung.

    For three months, we evaluated items such as design, finish, washing functions, washing efficiency, drying efficiency and, of course, the actual cost benefit added to the device. Want to know the result? Grab your clothes basket and come with us:


    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
    O horizontal basket less damage to clothes, as it generates friction more efficiently in washing

    With relatively medium dimensions (60 x 85 x 65cm), the Samsung WD6000 WD10J6410AW have the capacity to 10,2kg in the washing cycles, reducing this capacity to 5kg when drying. It is important to note that, although this reduction exists, all other washer and dryer on the market have the same characteristic – they dry less clothes than they wash.

    In terms of design, the washing machine follows the same pattern as the other front-loads of the Samsung. It is at the front that the washing controls, the soap dispenser, the digital panel with information on washing cycles and, of course, the door for the horizontal laundry basket, which is known to have some advantages over the vertical basket of traditional top-loads.

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    O debris filter is located in the lower part of the frontal region, while the back of the machine, as with most models, houses the drain hose and power cord. At sides and upper part da WD 6000 are smooth, allowing it to fit easily into relatively tight spaces.

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
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    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
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    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
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    In its traditional version, the machine is finished in aço in white and, although there is a gray version, similar to the stainless steel, we found the first option equally beautiful.

    As in the other models of the Samsung, the design that mixes the colors white and blue, nicknamed by the manufacturer as Crystal Blue, ends up giving the product a very beautiful air – in addition, white is known for being a neutral color and that does not unbalance the environments.

    washing functions

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
    The main difference of WD6000 is the technological set that it delivers

    In total, the washing machine has 14 washing functions, among them, the highlight goes to the Quick 15 and Air Wash functions: the first, according to the Samsung, is capable of washing lightly soiled clothes in up to 15 minutes, while the second feature, divided into modes sanitização e deodorization, uses hot air jets to make clothes cooler.

    functioning as a dry clean, this same technology also preserves the fabric and rids it of particles or microorganisms harmful to clothing. It is ideal for cleaning that part that can't get wet or stay too long in a traditional wash.

    On the right side of the central button, responsible for all the functions mentioned above, we find the LED panel with various information about the wash and, below it, the controls for the water temperature, rinse, spin, drying level and even a special configuration for tough stains.

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    This last resort, in turn, soaks clothes in soap bubbles, so that even the deepest stains can be removed without damaging clothing – with the same objective, the Samsung also worked on the inner drum: it is made in stainless steel and has a design that does not harm the most delicate seams.

    • Read also: Samsung launches AddWash white line with smart technology

    Finishing talking about the essential functions of the washing machine, it is also interesting to address the technologies that differentiate it from the competition: the WD6000 uses a kind of spray to lather clothes, which spreads the soap more evenly and quickly.

    putting to the test

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    Let's face it: there is not much to evaluate in the work of a wash and dry unless, of course, the performance of product in these two processes. In our tests, the washing machine from Samsung did very well, fulfilling all that was promised by the chic nomenclatures mentioned above – and it is not for less, this is a device that goes beyond the R $ 2 thousand.

    We use different types of fabric, from simple pieces to comforters, which are much heavier. The machine handled them all smoothly and did not leave soap stains on clothes, in addition to having a quieter spin than other front-loads.

    The dry clean also works as promised. It gives the impression that it will shrink the pieces or damage them over time, but this is all just an illusion: even after passing several times through the process, the clothes come out deodorized, clean and without any damage.

    Furthermore, this one of the models Samsung which has the mode Super fast, able to complete the washing process in up to 59 minutes – however, this feature only works with up to 5kg with clothes.


    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    In addition to dry cleaning modes, it is in manutenção what washing machine Samsung shows part of its prominence: just like in the competitors LG, here there is a system that integrates with smartphones Android ou iOS to inform you about the health of the appliance and its components – changing into small items, the washing machine notifies you via the app if there is something wrong with it.

    This function, called Smart Check, reveals data about the washing machine's motor and has some solutions to simpler problems - it's a way for you to know if you really need to call a technician or if you can solve a problem alone.

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
    You can sanitize the washing machine with the simple touch of a button; cool huh?

    And speaking of problems, keep the washing drum clean is not difficult at all: the machine itself warn you when it needs cleaning, being able to sanitize with the simple push of a button.

    Ending this topic talking about mechanics, it should be noted that one of the highlights of the engine Digital Invert is its reliability: reaching up to 1.400 rpm, thus facilitating the mixing of the soap with the clothes, the component still has a guarantee of 10 years old by the manufacturer.

    Price: is it worth it?

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home

    As was said at the beginning of this text, front-load washing machines are not the first necessity of the vast majority, on the contrary, these models bet on a niche that seeks practicality e speed in the wash, even if it costs two ou XNUMX times the value of a top-load machine, those with traditional opening.

    Thus, it cannot be said that the WD6000 it's an expensive washing machine. On average, it costs R$ 2.599, the model is on par with competitors with similar features and capabilities.

    REVIEW: Samsung WD6000 Washer and Dryer, a laundry room in your home
    Certainly the biggest advantage of the model over the competition is its dry cleaning

    What can you say about the cost benefit of the Samsung washer and dryer is that it fulfills everything it promises very well, offering a flawless for the category where it is located, premium washing machinesThe positive highlights for this model go to the additional resources, which puts it a little ahead of its rivals LG e Mueller.

    The only negative point of the model, since it is not feasible to talk about the price, would be the lack of an option dual voltage. Yes, it is important to pay attention to this point: the WD6000 WD10J6410AW only works on 110V, restricting it to certain regions of the country.


    Therefore, as long as you are aware of all the features of the model of the Samsung, there is no reason to be disappointed with the performance of the device. At embedded technologies just add to the wash and put the WD6000 with a good lead in the category.

    Technical specifications:

    Brand: Samsung
    Model: Lava & Seca Samsung WD6000 (WD10J6410AW / AZ)
    Washing Capacity: 10,2 kg
    Drying Capacity: 6 kg
    Color: White
    Door: Crystal Blue
    Panel Display: LED
    Procel Seal: A
    Max Speed Centrifuge: 1.400 rpm
    EcoBubble: Yes
    Engine: Digital Invert
    Last Memory: Yes
    Technologies: Smart Check, Child Lock, Hard Stains
    Dimensions:  60 x 85 x 65 cm (L x A x P)
    Weight:  70kg
    Energy:  110V (no dual voltage functionality)


    For more information, visit the Official Site da samsung washing machine.

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