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    iPhones with 5G network are expected to arrive in 2020

      Apple, if it follows its release schedule, should soon release its new iPhones. However, news about the 2020 devices has already started to circulate on the web, and not about the design or even specifications, but about the commercial agreements between the Cupertino Giant and other manufacturers.

      The latest leaks give an account of Apple's decision to close a deal with Intel for the use of 5G modems in future iPhones.

      The Calcalist, last Thursday (05), had stated that the Apple company would have notified Intel that "it will not use the modem [of 5G network] developed by the manufacturer in the next generations of mobile devices", however, the partnership looks like it won't end.

      iPhones with 5G network are expected to arrive in 2020

      iPhones with 5G network are expected to arrive in 2020.

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      According to Intel itself, "Intel's obligations and roadmaps to 5G customers have not changed between 2018 and 2020. We remain committed to our plans and projects for 5G." The statement could be an assertion that Apple is still working with Intel for 2020 iPhone models.

      All this is related to Apple's decision to suspend the partnership with Qualcomm, due to the lack of satisfaction in the final result. Therefore, Apple has been dealing with Intel and also with MediaTek executives to decide on the best solutions for its future smartphones.

      The decision to partner with Intel does not mean that MediaTek is disadvantaged, as it will be able to manufacture internal components for Apple.

      However, the scenario remains unknown, since none of the companies involved has officially manifested itself. In the coming months it is possible that some decision will be taken and with that, new information about the future of iPhones.

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