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    MacBook Air, in its next generation, will have several cotes and will feature M2

    According to information from Apple's famous leaker (person who reveals information before the official statement), Jon Prosser, the design used in the new iMacs will be used in the next MacBooks Air. The information was obtained, according to Jon, from reliable sources he has and renderings were made available showing the new appearance of the "apple" notebooks.

    According to the report on the website DigitalTrends, the renderings show several changes compared to the current design of MacBook Airs. The main one is, of course, the different colors in which they will be available: silver, blue, yellow, orange, purple, pink and green. These are the same colors used in the new iMacs that were recently announced.

    MacBook Air, in its next generation, will have several cotes and will feature M2

    Rendering of the new MacBooks Air. Source: Jon Prosser

    The paintwork of the new MacBooks Air, according to Prosser's renderings, will be present both on the outside and on the inside, with the exception of the lid hinge and keys (white). This choice contrasts with what was used in the past and even with the recently released MacBooks M1, where there are black hinges and keys. The case of the new version will be thinner than the old MacBook Air too.

    MacBook Air, in its next generation, will have several cotes and will feature M2

    Rendering of the new MacBooks Air. Source: Jon Prosser
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    The new MacBooks Air will have ARM M2 processor

    According to Jon Prosser, the new MacBooks Air will not have the M1 processor, but the new M2. However, the information stopped there, it is not known for sure when Apple will launch this new model. However, it is believed that the company would have started production of the next generation of ARM M processors in late April.

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