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    Motorola phones that will receive Android 12

    Motorola phones that will receive Android 12

    Since it was revealed in May of this year, much anticipation has been created around the Android 12. The new version of the operating system from Gigante das Buscas promises to be the best of all those already released, with the premise of offering more security and privacy to its users, in addition to adding a extensive list of customization options.

    The latest beta versions revealed the availability of very interesting features, such as playing a game from the Play Store without waiting for it to download completely and even controlling the phone with facial expressions, which contributes to accessibility on the platform. One of the main casualties is that the arrival of Android 12 marks the end of Android Auto, Google's GPS app.

    The software is already available for a select group of devices registered in the beta program, while the development team makes the last adjustments. Although the launch of the official version is still relatively far away, Google's partner manufacturers have already started to announce the list of phones eligible to receive the operating system update. In this article, you can which Motorola models are eligible to receive the update to Android 12.

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    Which Motorola phones will receive Android 12?

    Motorola was once the apple of the eye in terms of updates for its smartphones. The company used to provide greater support for major system updates, paying more attention to even the cheapest models in its portfolio.

    However, after the company was taken over by Lenovo, unfortunately its policy has undergone major changes and few products have received proper support. Not all models that are two years old receive updates and when they do, it is usually too late. That said, the arrival of Android 12 for Motorola's smartphone has not shown so much optimism.

    The Edge 20, recently launched in Spain, is one of the winners. (Image: Techlifers)

    List of Motorola phones to receive Android 12

    Motorola released this week the official list of eligible smartphones to receive Android 12. They are:

    • razr 5g
    • razr 2020
    • motorola edge 20 pro
    • moto edge 20
    • motorola edge 20 lite
    • motorola edge 20 fusion
    • motorola edge (2021)
    • motorola edge 5g UW
    • motorola edge plus
    • motorola one 5g ace
    • motorola one 5G YOUR ace
    • motorcycle g200 5g
    • motorcycle g71 5g
    • motorcycle g51 5g
    • moto g41
    • moto g31
    • moto g100
    • motorcycle g60s
    • moto g60
    • moto g50 / moto g50 5G
    • moto g40 fusion
    • moto g30
    • moto g power (2022)
    • moto g as well
    • moto g stylus 5G

    Which Motorola phones won't get Android 12?

    In addition to the list of eligible devices, the manufacturer announced the models that will not receive the update. Most of them will have to make do with just the Android 11 they received during 2021. Check out the list:

    • Motorola one action
    • Motorola one fusion
    • Motorola One Fusion +
    • Motorola one hyper
    • Motorola One Vision
    • Moto G 5G
    • Moto G 5G Plus
    • Moto g fast
    • Moto G9
    • Moto G9 Play
    • Moto G9 Plus
    • Moto G9 Power
    • Moto G8
    • Moto G8 Power

    What to expect from Android 12?

    Still only available to a select group of users, the arrival of Android will be marked by a completely revamped look. Screenshots released by app developers for the platform revealed that the system is very attached to the customization item, called by Google Material you, with the addition of new icons and a system that can change the color of the entire device interface according to the predominant color in the wallpaper.

    Além disso, the system seems to have become more responsive, adapting completely to the screen size and giving priority to providing information, without disrespecting the user's personalization. On the lock screen, for example, the clock got bigger, as did the calculator results and the calendar widget.

    clearer notifications

    Clarity in the information displayed on mobile has always been a concern of Google, and we realize this with each new update. With the arrival of Android 12 this could not be different. The section has been completely redone, adding targeted notification balloons according to the purpose of the application in question and designated by color, either to control the music that is playing or to check the messages of the various platforms that may be on the cell phone.

    Even the icons in the Quick Settings underwent adjustments. From now on, recurring tools such as the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flashlight and dark theme buttons have been highlighted, organized just above the notifications.

    Android 12 Quick Settings Menu (Image: Playback/Google)

    New, smoother animations

    Still in the visual aspect, but on the more functional side of the thing, Google has developed a package of new animations for Android 12 with the proposal that the user "will feel as if the system comes to life with every touch, slide or scroll".

    According to the development team, the animations are lighter and behave in a way that does not overload the processing regardless of the refresh rate built into the screen of the device in question. To achieve this objective, Google reduced resource consumption, providing greater energy efficiency and up to 22% reduction in CPU processing time for rendering transitions.

    Privacy and Security

    Confirming what had already been speculated, the company added privacy and security features related to common smartphone features such as camera, location and microphone. Whenever applications access these functions of the device, the system will issue a notification so that the user no longer has a "flea in the ear" regarding the permissions requested by these apps.

    The quick actions buttons got bigger, (Image: Playback/Google)

    It will be possible to easily stop access to personal information from such applications through the Quick Settings. In this way, the smartphone that has Android 12 installed will be practical while offering a new level of security, and can still be increased by the manufacturers of the respective eligible models.

    In addition to the simplified control in the Quick Settings section, all these activities can be monitored and blocked by the new Privacy Panel, an area entirely dedicated to controlling permissions. This way it will be possible to analyze and identify the system resources used during the last 24 hours, which includes files, contact list and other personal areas.

    Android 12 will also be the stage for the debut of Android Private Compute Core, a mechanism that allows the use of new private technologies by essence. From it, the user can ensure that the data processing will be done in a private way, being able to compress part of Google's artificial intelligence into the cell phone.

    In practice, everything the system needs to do, such as providing subtitles in real time, identifying songs in real time and suggesting quick responses to emails, there will be no need to connect to Google servers — everything will be done from the smartphone itself, making the procedure as private as possible.

    When will Android 12 be released?

    Revealed in May during the latest edition of Google I/O, Android 12 was revealed by the search giants some time ago. The company had already released at least four beta versions during the testing program. The Google development team has made great strides in fixing bugs as well as adding really cool features.

    Since August did not bring any official release date, the expectation is around September. (Image: Playback/Google)

    After announcing the official version, several manufacturers announced the list of smartphones compatible with the system, in addition to starting to announce the schedule of updates.

    Source: Motorola

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