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    New iPad Pro and iMac with M1 will be available on May 21; know more

    Apple unveiled the new iPad Pro and iMac at its latest online event, where the manufacturer also unveiled a new color for the iPhone 12 and the AirTag, a gadget that lets users track other objects. The pre-sale of the new iPad Pro and iMac with the M1 chip should have already started, but it hasn't happened yet and the reason is the lack of semiconductors on the market, a shortage that has lasted almost a year and there is still no forecast for ending. , affecting several manufacturers and the production of various devices, such as smartphones, tablets or computers, for example.

    Availability on the market

    Despite having revealed the new devices Apple did not say when these devices will begin to be marketed worldwide., since there is still a deep crisis in the production of semiconductors. Although the manufacturer has not indicated the date of availability of the iPad Pro and iMac in stores, a British retailer revealed on its website that the iPad Pro 12,9" will be on sale from the day May 21.

    Here it is already possible to find both the iPad Pro and the new iMac on the Apple Spain website, being possible to view the colors, technical specifications and price, although there are no details on availability in Spain yet.

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    New iPad Pro and iMac with M1 will be available on May 21; know more

    Availability of iPad Pro. (Photo: Reproduction).

    As you can see in the image above, the new iPad Pros (and the new iMac with M1) will be available on May 21st. It's a Friday, so it makes sense as the brand normally starts selling on Friday. The pre-sale of the devices was supposed to start this Friday (30), but the launch was canceled due to a shortage of chips, which could cause the depletion of available units in a short time, even with the high price.

    New iPad Pro and iMac with M1 will be available on May 21; know more

    iMac 2021. (Photo: Disclosure/Apple).
    Google I/O already has date and schedule revealed; see what to expect from the event


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