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    PRF seizes illegal cargo with Xiaomi cell phones valued at R$ 1,54 million

      PRF seizes illegal cargo with Xiaomi cell phones valued at R$ 1,54 million

      Last Tuesday night (23), the Federal Highway Police (opened the PRF 2021 contest) seized a shipment that contained several electronics without an invoice hidden among clothes. Among the products that were transported along the Regis Bittencourt highway, in the Registro region, in the interior of São Paulo, the police found about 1.100 Xiaomi cell phones, in addition to SSD memories and other undocumented items.

      Looking at the images of the seizure, we see that PRF shows boxes with several units of the Redmi Note 8, Xiaomi's intermediary made official in October last year, being one of the best sellers in popular commerce stores in the capital of São Paulo. According to information given to the press, the shipment was destined for Rua 25 de Março, a region that contains a number of electronics stores.

      After a survey, the police valued the load at R$ 1,54 million. In addition to Xiaomi cell phones, 254 dietary supplements, 22 beauty products and other minor electronics were also found. When approached by the PRF, the 28-year-old driver presented only the clothes note. The truck that transported the products was a Mercedes-Benz 1419 with a Pareci Novo/RS plate.

      The seized cargo was taken to the Federal Revenue Service and the driver will be freed for the crime of embezzlement. It is worth remembering that a similar action also took place last week, on a stretch of BR 116 in the city of Chorozinho, Ceará. On that occasion, the police managed to seize more than two tons of imported products without an invoice.

      It is quite likely that these electronics will be auctioned by the IRS, but for that to happen, an inspection still needs to be done.

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