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    RUMOR: Leaked email reveals iOS 15.1 release date

    RUMOR: Leaked email reveals iOS 15.1 release date

    iOS 15 debuted and several bugs were found, such as Instagram problems, and bugs with the phone's internal memory. In addition to emergency fixes, Apple must take a new step, to end all the problems of the new version of the system, from the iOS 15.1 and iPadOS 15.1 release.

    The update does not yet have an official start date. Nonetheless, according to a leaked email on Twitter, it would be released on October 25th. That is, a week after the Apple Unleashed event. The update would release important fixes, in particular, a solution to the security issue found in the iPhone's Bluetooth.

    According to the leaker, the problem allows criminals to breach the integrity of iPhones without needing any physical connection - just using Bluetooth. Furthermore, in the alleged leaked email, Apple professionals ask that the issue not be revealed before the release of iOS 15.1, as the disclosure could put consumers at risk.

    Learn firsthand: 7 iOS 15 features that haven't been released yet

    iOS 15.1 release should fix major issues

    In addition to corrections, the package can resolve other issues, such as the introduction of SharePlay for FaceTime, as well as support for ProRes Video on compatible cell phones. These features were already planned for iOS 15, however they were left out of the premiere. In addition, another novelty is the support for the presentation of a vaccination card directly from the Wallet app. Finally, there should be improvements for cell phone unlocking with Apple Watch.

    At the time, Apple would also continue with its testing program, with another update. The update would be a more interesting occasion for users to migrate from operating systems as it would be a more mature version of iOS. Furthermore, iOS 14 should continue to receive updates even after iOS 15.1.

    Since there is no confirmation regarding the schedule of updates, we can only wait for the official news. Apple Software Beta Program testers are currently on the fourth beta of iOS 15.1, and more updates are expected to come to make the system as good as possible. before reaching the general public.

    With information, RobertCFO.

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