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    Senate Committee Approves Bill That Provides Mobile Internet Accumulation

      Users who make use of mobile internet know very well that at the end of the contract, even if all the contracted internet has been spent, the balance ends up being zeroed for the following month. Now, a bill aims to end this practice.

      The Science and Technology Committee (CCT) of the Senate approved last Wednesday (5), a bill that allows users to accumulate internet balances to be able to use them for up to two consecutive months. Therefore, if at the end of the month the user still has, for example, 500 MB unused, the limit is added to the 2 GB of the next month.

      Senate Committee Approves Bill That Provides Mobile Internet Accumulation

      Senate Committee Approves Bill That Provides Mobile Internet Accumulation

      "Today, operators use two weights and two measures", said senator Dário Berger (PMDB-SC), author of the project. "If you use less than the contract, you don't have what you paid for replaced. But if you use more, you immediately have the service cut", he justified his proposal.

      The text will go to the Transparency, Inspection and Control Commission (CTFC). From then on, the parliamentarians will decide if the proposal needs to go through the plenary, by another commission or if it can become law immediately, if approved. Finally, the proposal goes to the Presidency of the Republic, which will decide whether it enters into force or not.

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