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    The best games of 2021 so far

    Table of Contents
    1. Hitman 3
    2. Little nightmares ii
    3. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
    4. Bravely Default II
    5. Monster hunter rise
    6. It Takes Two
    7. Disco Elysium — The Final Cut
    8. return
    9. Resident evil village
    10. Mass effect legendary edition
    11. Ratchet and Clank: Into a New Dimension
    12. more to come

      The year is already halfway through, and as the first semester comes to an end, we can already prepare a great compilation with the best games of 2021 so far. Thanks to the sum of factors such as the continuity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the change of generation of video games, some of the best games we received this year were remasters of past works. As might be expected, improved versions of great titles still retain the pristineness of the original versions, with welcome updates. Let's go to the list!

      Hitman 3

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Each person is a possible way to reach the goal.

      the excellent Hitman 3 is the conclusion of a recent trilogy that revolutionized the series (which already has eight releases in total). This last title expands all the ideas present in the two previous games, in order to give the player the power of freedom to complete the proposed challenges as they see fit.

      As an assassin, it is up to the player to choose how to infiltrate the designated locations and how to carry out the given missions. what impresses in Hitman 3 is that practically everything in the scenario, from objects to characters, can be used to perform the task. It is possible to hide to wait for the target, wear uniforms to guarantee free passage to certain environments or throw objects directly at the target or to distract him. It is up to the player to choose the best approach.

      Technically Hitman 3 it's quite refined, with impressive visuals and satisfying performance even on older platforms. Hitman 3 (check out our review) was released for both the new and previous generation consoles, and it is worth mentioning that the Nintendo Switch version is available via streaming.

      Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S e PC.

      Release date of: January 20, 2021.

      Little nightmares ii

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Atmosphere of a horror movie.

      The first Little Nightmares it was a critical and public success when it was released in 2017, even more so because it is an independent game. With an atmosphere of terror — and occasional scares —, Little nightmares ii It's a great cinematic experience, which involves the player from start to finish to discover the mysteries of the adventure.

      Even being a sequel to a successful game, everything the player needs to immerse himself in the Signal Tower (game location) is contained in this second package, without having to play the first one (although this is recommended). The sights and sounds of Little nightmares ii (check out our review) set the right tone for the development of the adventure, and the journey is as rewarding as its end. The game has been released for all currently available platforms and is one of the best games of 2021 so far.

      Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S e PC.

      Release date of: February 10, 2021.

      Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Bowser is pistoled in Bower's Fury.

      Super Mario games are always innovative, genius and, of course, fun. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is no different. Since the Wii U was not a platform that achieved huge sales figures, the game of the most famous plumber in games was restricted to a small audience. Fortunately, Nintendo has released an improved version for its current console, the Nintendo Switch — just as it has done with several other titles on the previous platform.

      Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (check out our review) it's not just a port of this magnificent level design game, as the increased resolution (from 720p to 1080p) and vivid colors on the Switch make everything more imposing. But in addition to the 2013 adventure, the game was released for Switch with completely new content called Bowser's fury. As the name implies, Bowser is quite nervous and ready to attack Mario at any time on an open world map, with exploration a la Super Mario Odyssey, and that guarantees a few hours of fun.

      Platforms:Nintendo Switch.

      Release date of: February 12, 2021.

      Bravely Default II

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Bravely Default II's art is gorgeous.

      After two titles launched for the 3DS, the series is present on the Nintendo Switch. This may not be a game for all audiences, but Japanese RPG fans (also called JRPG) have a plate full of Bravely Default II, where everything he does is with care and excellence.

      There are easily a few dozen (or hundreds, depending on the player) of hours of gameplay in a game that, even on the platform with the lowest processing power currently available, manages to impress with its visuals. The combat system is also refined — and innovative — and the soundtrack is good to listen to even outside of the game. Bravely Default II (check out our review) is yet another Square Enix game on our list of the best games of 2021 so far, and it's released exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

      Platforms:Nintendo Switch.

      Release date of: February 26, 2021.

      Monster hunter rise

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Monster Hunter Rise makes the best graphics on Nintendo Switch.

      Of course the impressive Monster hunter rise would have a reserved place on our list. Just like the next Capcom game we'll be talking about here, this new iteration of monster hunters is already one of the strong contenders for the game of the year award in December.

      Everything that is characteristic of the series is present in Monster hunter rise, which has a large open map that can be explored without loading screens. The complexity of the battles, the gameplay that rewards the player for the many minutes spent to defeat a creature and a huge amount of content make Rise a game that leaves nothing to be desired for the beloved Monster Hunter World, on PS4.

      The game also has new exploration elements, which allow the verticalization of the scenarios and, therefore, different types of approaches in the hunts. The visuals are amazing, perhaps the best on the Switch, and the online multiplayer is incredibly fluid. Capcom wasn't kidding when developing this game! Monster hunter rise (check out our review) was only released for Nintendo Switch, but there is a Windows version planned for sometime in 2022.

      Platforms: Nintendo Switch and PC version planned for 2022.

      Release date of: March 26, 2021.

      It Takes Two

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Cooperation is essential in It Takes Two.

      A child sees her parents' marriage crumble, and her tears make her parents assume the bodies of handmade dolls. In this context, challenges need to be overcome in the hope of reuniting the couple. the beautiful story of It Takes Two it is told with good humor and like a fairy tale. Furthermore, the game's gameplay is refined and exciting from start to finish. As a mandatory multiplayer game for two players, it is essential that they understand each other and work in sync to overcome the various challenges of the game.

      It Takes Two stands out not only for arousing emotions for its story, but also manages to keep the player hooked in each of its stages, which are not repetitive and fun from beginning to end. The visuals are also impressive, especially on next-gen consoles. A work of art in game form! It Takes Two (check out our review) was released for both old and new generation Sony and Microsoft consoles, in addition to the PC. Although it is an exclusively multiplayer game, just one copy of the game is enough for two people to play it, even on different devices.

      Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S e PC.

      Release date of: March 26, 2021.

      Disco Elysium — The Final Cut

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Beautiful artistic direction and focus on story are the highlights of Disco Elysium — The Final Cut.

      Disco Elysium — The Final Cut is yet another remaster that appears on our list. Its presence is guaranteed because, in addition to being a great work of improvement of a technically dated work, it is an RPG that has an exceptional story — and narrative —. Like a good RPG, Disco Elysium — The Final Cut focuses on the role-playing part. The interactions that the player can have with the game's scenarios stand out, which are directly influenced by the attributes developed by the character. Such attributes influence the way the character interacts and pities the world around him, and that is impressive.

      Disco Elysium — The Final Cut (check out our review) is currently available on Sony and PC platforms, but the others (Xbox and Switch) will receive versions at a future date.

      Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. Confirmed versions for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.

      Release date of: March 30, 2021.


      The best games of 2021 so far
      The best games of 2021 so far

      return is a PlayStation 5 exclusive game that already makes it clear that the processing power of Sony's new console is really impressive. In this game, the player has a new world to explore, with new enemies, each time the main character is defeated. The genre, called roguelike, is more aimed at dominating the character than the environment that surrounds it, as it is randomly generated with each new attempt.

      return (check out our review) is a game with a considerably high difficulty, with a lot happening on the screen at the same time, like monsters, gunfire and a fast movement of the main character. The game also does well with the hardware of the only console for which it was released, the PlayStation 5, which can handle so many simultaneous particles without drops in the frame rate, which is locked at 60. Even with its dark environment, it is a visual delight.

      Platforms: PS5.

      Release date of: April 30th 2021

      Resident evil village

      The best games of 2021 so far
      The villain Lady Dimitrescu took over the internet when Resident Evil Village was released.

      Resident evil village it's been less than a month since its launch, but it was already enough to guarantee it in the awards for the best games of the year 2021. In addition to continuing to reinvent the franchise, as it did in Resident Evil VII, Capcom made a game of exquisite survival horror with Village.

      The game has everything a Resident Evil should contain: from action, to a lot of agony running away from terrifying creatures that chase the player all the time. Puzzles and an engaging story are also part of the package. Capcom's current graphics engine, called the RE Engine, gives a bath of technical quality, with impressive visuals and high performance even on older platforms. If there is any list of best games of 2021, Resident evil village (check out our review) it has to be in it!

      Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S e PC.

      Release date of: May 07, 2021.

      Mass effect legendary edition

      The best games of 2021 so far
      Mass Effect Legendary Edition modernized the franchise's visuals.

      The first Mass Effect was a revolutionary game when it was originally released. The game brilliantly blended RPG elements with action, and gave players not only the ability to shape their own character, but also the ability to influence the game's story through decisions made during the campaign. In 2007, this was amazing. Equally amazing was when, in 2010, Mass Effect 2 was released and, in addition to being bigger and better in every way, it made it possible for the character and player's decisions to be carried over to the continuation of the story, something that also happened in Mass Effect. 3, of 2012.

      Age weighed heavily on the trilogy, which already had some outdated points not only in its visuals. Through a remaster, called Mass effect legendary edition, EA fixed gameplay and HUD design issues (the information that appears on the screen to the player), particularly in the first title. In addition, of course, the three games received support for 4K resolution and lighting correction to make them look like a new generation. Mass effect legendary edition (check out our review) was released for both new and old generation Sony and Microsoft platforms, as well as coming out for PC.

      Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S e PC.

      Release date of: May 14, 2021.

      Ratchet and Clank: Into a New Dimension

      The best games of 2021 so far
      The best games of 2021 so far

      Made by the talented studio Insomniac Games (the same as Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales), Ratchet and Clank: Into a New Dimension arrived exclusively for the PlayStation 5 promising not only a lighthearted and humorous adventure, but also features that would only be possible on Sony's new hardware.

      Ratchet and Clank's new adventure game has as its main point the use of the PS5's SSD, which was advertised by Sony as being extremely fast reading and writing. The game doesn't look bad and really impresses with sudden changes in environments, something that happens instantly and without a loading screen.

      The mechanics created to use all this speed consists of allowing the player to teleport to other points of the scenario in moments of great action, and everything is loaded instantly, without pausing any frantic moment. This novelty is accompanied by incredible visuals, which impress in this early generation of video games. Ratchet and Clank: Into a New Dimension (check out our review) runs at 60 frames per second with ray tracing effects.

      Platforms: PlayStation 5.

      Release date of: June 11 from 2021.

      more to come

      Until the month of June — and the first half of the year — is over, there are still some promising games on the way, in addition to others that will certainly be announced at E3 2021, an event that you can follow here on Techlifers.

      Among the games already confirmed for the last month of the semester, we highlight NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection, Game builder garage, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, Mario Golf Super Rush e Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2.

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