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    The most anticipated strategy games of 2022

    Table of Contents
    1. 2022 strategy games
    2. Triangle strategy
    3. Distant Worlds 2
    4. Starship Troopers: Terran Command
    5. Advance Wars 1 + 2: Re-Boot Camp
    6. Marvel's Midnight Suns
    7. Homeworld 3
    8. Blood Bowl 3
    9. Dune Spice Wars
    10. Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
    11. Metal Slug Tactics
    12. Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance

    It's time to talk about what games tactics fans and those looking to finally dive into the expansive genre for the first time should be on the lookout for in the coming months! Whether with the return of classics like Dune RTS e Metal Slug, or never-before-seen medieval battles in pixelated graphics with Triangle strategy, this year looks promising with variety, quality and innovation.

    That's why we've selected the most anticipated 2022 strategy games, including turn-based titles and RPGs that involve careful thinking.

    2022 strategy games

    The most anticipated strategy games of 2022
    Metal Slug Tactics is one of the most anticipated releases of the genre
    Image: Metal Slug Tactics/Disclosure

    Resource management, intelligent control of armies, decision making and many hours of gameplay. That's the basics of what to expect from a strategy game! After delving into this genre, the player finds one of the most rewarding gameplay that the gaming world has to offer. Victories seem and are hard-won, each failure becomes a chance to learn and thus play better next time.

    And the year promises to be glorious with great releases. Here are the strategy games of 2022!

    Triangle strategy

    Triangle Strategy's pixelated look is one of its attractions

    The HD-2D visual style of the Octopath Traveler arrives in the new strategy game developed by Artdink e Square Enix, promising a lot of fun and difficult decisions with the cast of pixelated characters who live a plot where three nations vie for control of scarce resources. Despite the rather cute aesthetic, the plot deals with issues such as morality and freedom, virtues measured through the player's decisions on the Scales of Conviction.

    With combat influenced by classic strategy RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics, which feature positional advantages, follow-up attacks, and elemental chain reactions, the first title on our list arrived March 4th for Nintendo Switch.

    Distant Worlds 2

    Distan Worlds 2 is a large-scale strategic space game

    Ready for an intergalactic resource management adventure? In Distant Worlds 2, you must explore the presented space on a grand scale, containing up to 2.000 star systems and tens of thousands of planets, moons and asteroids.

    The title combines grand strategy and RTS gameplay, plus a complex galaxy generation tool that ensures no two rounds are the same. It is up to the player to decide whether the exploration will take place peacefully, diplomatically, or aggressively. Available for PC from the 10th of March.

    Starship Troopers: Terran Command

    Starship Troopers is a 90s movie series that returns to the gaming world

    One of the best sci-fi movie series of the 90s is back in gaming! In this way, fans of Starship Troopers hope to find the same satirical vision in Terran Command, in which the player will be in control of entire troops and armies while defending the Kwalasha population from an invading alien species known as Arachnids.

    Between challenging battles, mobile units and unique squads, battle mechanics take place with terrain elevation for more tactical options. All with a unique comic book art style, aesthetic that remains innovative in the genre. Play this title from March 31st, available for PC.

    Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp

    Remake of the first two Advance Wars games cheers fans who haven't seen releases in over a decade

    Advance Wars It's a classic franchise Nintendo and now it reaches new audiences through remakes of the first and second games, after more than 10 years without a release. The highlight of this series for sure is the bright and colorful art style, matching well with the company's handheld console.

    The player will control troops, ships, planes and special abilities as he helps Andy, Max and Sami of the Orange Star Army defeat the opposing threat, advancing across an ever-changing map. Already noted, the launch takes place on April 8 to Nintendo Switch.

    Marvel's Midnight Suns

    Game introduces a new perspective to superhero titles

    It has release for strategy and comic fans too! Marvel's Midnight Suns is a unique vision for comic book games. While most titles dedicated to superheroes feature third-person action gameplay, this work goes against the grain by delivering a more tactical gameplay in the RPG formula. Thus, the player will have to make crucial decisions and build relationships with team members like Captain America, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Wolverine and more.

    Another detail that sets it apart is the presence of Deck Building mechanics, using cards powered by character abilities to recover Earth from dark forces. With no set date, the game should be released in the second half of 2022, for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch e PC.

    Homeworld 3

    Homeworld is one of the most famous strategy series

    Introduced to the world in 1999, Homeworld is perhaps one of the best-known strategy series of its kind. However, its popularity among the new generation of gamers declined due to the second and last title in the series having been released in 2003. Since then, there have only been remasters, when a sequel was finally announced in 2019.

    After almost three years, we approach the release of the third title that requires resource management in the stars. He arrives in December for PC.

    Blood Bowl 3

    American football field strategy with quirky players

    Another example of innovation in a strategy game! Unlike most of the genre that allows you to control armies or large-scale battles in space, Blood Bowl 3 is an American football fantasy starring creatures such as ogres, elves and goblins. Nothing more unique than that, right?

    The strategy is to control the peculiar players on the field to score points and thus defeat the opposing team. With plans to be released in 2021, it was postponed to this year, without a definitive date. will be made available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch e PC.

    Dune Spice Wars

    New title follows the proposal of its 90s predecessors

    The renewed franchise Dune arrives in the best way, considering the warring factions of the work: control of resources and the long-term movements that allies and enemies make to win battles. That is, as a Strategy RPGa.

    Nor can we forget that the old game Dune II 1992 is considered the originator of the modern RTS, so it's only fair that the title be developed with the elements that built its fame. Soon, the player will be able to take care of Atreides and Harkonnen as they fight for spices and land. With no set date, the release will be available for PC.

    Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

    Unusual combo sequence promises chaotic fun

    Unexpected fun: Super mario and Rabbids characters together in a strategy game. This had already happened in 2015 with Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, repeating itself this year with an impressive look. A sequence entitled Sparks of Hope, the world will be more expansive and loose, granting players free attacks on the battlefield. No official release date, will be made available for Nintendo Switch.

    Metal Slug Tactics

    Metal Slug in new genre surprised gamer community

    How about one of the biggest representatives of the run-n-gun entering the strategy universe? With strong touches of Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem, Metal Slug Tactics should take all the action from the games we love to the strategy genre. Additionally, the developer added that the title will feature roguelike elements. It's good to keep an eye out as there's no official release date yet. Available to Nintendo Switch e PC.

    Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance

    Terminator is also among the most anticipated strategy games

    Well, apparently the 90s are in full swing. The last title on our list is yet another descendant of series and movies that broke out in the past: Terminator. Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance is described as an RTS that puts the player in the middle of the Future Wars between humanity and the Legion's network of synthetic intelligent machines.

    The cinematic teaser and gameplay trailer don't show more than a flyby of an ongoing battle, but you can already see standard RTS elements like resource management, faction control, and full-scale warfare. Arrives in 2022 for PC, no official release date.

    And then, what are the most anticipated strategy games by you? Tell us here in the comments!

    See also other features

    In addition to the most anticipated strategy games, you can also check out the 20 open world games to keep an eye out for in 2022!

    Fonte: Gaming Scan, PCMag

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