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    Analysts say iPhone owners could take up to 4 years to switch iPhones

      iPhones are usually devices with values ​​above competitors. By the end of 2018, iPhone owners took an average of three years to replace their devices.

      Now, according to market analyst Toni Sacconaghi, from the company Bernstein, iPhone users must keep their devices for at least four years, or longer.

      According to the analyst, the behavior should be seen in those who acquired new iPhones recently, according to the website 9To5Mac.

      Analysts say iPhone owners could take up to 4 years to switch iPhones

      Analysts say iPhone owners could take up to 4 years to switch iPhones.

      When it takes time to change an iPhone, there may be some reasons, such as a lower need to update your smartphones and also the increase in the final value of the devices.

      According to a market forecast, it is that by the end of Apple's 2019 fiscal year, only 16% of people who own iPhones will switch to new models. As we can see, a very small base of buyers.

      Because of this, Apple should keep an eye on the result of its annual sales, as it is expected to add a 19% drop in the iPhone trade, said Sacconaghi. "Replacement cycles are lengthening ... a lot," the analyst said.

      The analyst also mentions another behavior in relation to iPhones that can prolong the acquisition for a new model. About 32% of iPhones in use may be second-hand models, which do not enter the sales volume.                                                                                     

      Fonte: AppleInsider

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