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    Tim Cook reveals that Apple recorded record iPhone activations at Christmas in the US and Canada

      Apple recently cut its first-quarter forecast due to poor sales. The information emerged through a memo sent by Tim Cook to employees. In the document, which was obtained by Bloomberg, the executive tries to alleviate the situation.

      According to him, even with lower-than-expected numbers, "iPhone activations in the US and Canada set new Christmas Day records" for the company.

      Tim Cook reveals that Apple recorded record iPhone activations at Christmas in the US and Canada

      Tim Cook reveals that Apple recorded record iPhone activations at Christmas in the US and Canada.

      The memo reinforces Cook's original statement citing the $9 billion deficit in revenue following the iPhone's underperformance in China. “We expect to set all-time revenue records in major markets including the US, Canada and Mexico, Western European countries including Germany and Italy, and countries in the Asia-Pacific region such as Korea and Vietnam,” says Cook.

      In any case, the information is quite inconsistent, since, even mentioning a Christmas sales record, Cook does not specify which models had the highest output. But, according to The Verge, it is possible that the older, cheaper models were in greater demand, and not just the newer models.

      The news is good, even if it's not the best news for the company. We must take into account that the United States and Canada are first world countries, and people have greater purchasing power compared to other places. Because of this, if Apple wants to remain firm in the market, it will have to rethink its stay in other places.

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