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    Tim Cook talks about rumors of being replaced by Angela Ahrendts

      At Apple, Angela Ahrendts is one of the big names, being responsible for leading the company's retail area. Because her name was always involved in the business, and she was considered a strong arm, rumors mentioned her name to replace Tim Cook as CEO.

      On Tuesday (24), BuzzFeed News published an interview with the current president of the company, Tim Cook, and also with Angela Ahrendts. At the time, the issue was raised.

      Tim Cook talks about rumors of being replaced by Angela Ahrendts

      Tim Cook talks about rumors of being replaced by Angela Ahrendts.

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      Ahrendts soon classified the rumors as "fake news", however, Tim Cook did not rule out the possibility.

      "I consider it my role as CEO to prepare as many people as I can to be CEO and that's what I'm doing," he declared, "and then the board makes the decision when the time comes."

      Tim Cook has been Apple's CEO since 2011, when Steve Jobs resigned to move closer to the company's board of directors. A few weeks after the decision, Jobs died.

      Before taking over from Jobs, Tim Cook served as chief operating officer, a sector very close to the company's overall command.

      It is worth mentioning that Angela Ahrendts, before starting to work at Apple, in 2014, spent about eight years as CEO of Burberry.

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