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    User experience director says Spain was inspiration for Google app that frees up space on mobile

      Google's Files Go application is a file manager for Android, it makes life a lot easier for those who suffer from lack of space on the platform, as it scans the device and cleans the phone's memory, it deletes old files, large files and little used, plus repeated photos and cached data. All this to free up more storage space in memory, so that the user can store their photos, videos and music. But in addition, the application brings very interesting news, all of which are the result of research carried out by the application's development team.

      Having its beta version launched in November, Files Go, according to the Director of User Experience, the Spanish Koji Pereira, is a way to "improve people's relationships with their cell phones". Koji explains that Files Go tries to create a positive and upbeat relationship with the user so that the experience with the app is not as unpleasant as running out of storage space is.

      Files Go emerged from a pattern perceived by Google among users in India, where most users have input devices, so these devices tend to have little storage space, and this is a problem when you want to store photos and videos on your device. telephone.

      Another point is that the more powerful cell phones are, the bigger their operating systems and files are sent between them, so those who have little storage space end up having that space even more reduced.

      User experience director says Spain was inspiration for Google app that frees up space on mobile

      • Google releases the Files Go app to manage storage on your smartphone
       According to Koji, Spain also faces a similar reality, both there and here, users suffer from the problem of lack of space, which, in addition to not allowing the storage of more things, also slows down the device, for this reason it became evident that an application that facilitated the process of managing files and freeing up space on the cell phone was essential. And as the process of erasing cache and other useless data is not easy to do, a manager for this would certainly be successful.

      As soon as Files Go was launched, the main functionality was to free up space, the application was super simple, it only had a button that performed the entire procedure when pressed, a simple and clean interface, but this did not please users, Koji says "users wanted to better understand what was happening, they wanted more transparency in the process".

      That's how the development team started to change the application's interface, adding a more inviting interface, with a lot of information and full user control over what can or cannot be deleted, what is taking up space and which spaces can be freed up. This all changed the face of the app and consequently made it gain more users.

      User experience director says Spain was inspiration for Google app that frees up space on mobile

       Other tools that the application has also implemented in addition to freeing up space, is the file manager, which facilitates the process of locating files, photos, music and more in the smartphone's folders. But without a doubt the most interesting feature is the file transfer between smartphones. Koji explains that it is completely secure and does not require devices to be connected via Bluetooth or data networks. It works by creating a network called direct Wi-Fi, which links the two phones, making it possible to transfer files between the devices.

      The application also has an artificial intelligence, which helps in the recognition of files that can be deleted, it also learns with the user, memorizing tips that were accepted by the same and improving the suggestions that the app provides to improve the user experience. Koji says that reports are generated from users' experiences with the app, and they are sent to the development team, so they can be analyzed and applied to improve the experience of those who use the app.

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