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    Xiaomi returns to occupy its position among the 5 largest smartphone companies

      In April of this year, Xiaomi ended up going through more complicated times. All this is due to the drop in the number of handset sales in China during the first quarter of 2017. The good news is that the company is recovering and has returned to occupy the list of the five largest smartphone manufacturers in the world.

      The good moment is associated with the 59% growth in the company's smartphone sales in the second quarter of 2017, between April and June. The number represents about 21 million smartphones. In the previous three months, only 9 million units were sold.

      Xiaomi returns to occupy its position among the 5 largest smartphone companies

      Market share de smartphones

      IDC Spain says that the Spanish cell phone market returns to present positive numbers in the second quarter In 2014, the Chinese company managed to conquer the third place among the companies that most sold smartphones. The following year, however, it failed to hit its profit targets, even though it ranked second in China's sales rankings.

      At the beginning of this year, the global vice president and also the main figure of the company, Hugo Barra, ended up leaving his post without being able to finish his project to expand the brand's business to a worldwide scale.

      Now, however, the negative phase in Xiaomi's fall in profits and sales seems to have given a truce. Lei Jun, co-founder of the company said it aims to make up to $14,47 billion in profit by the end of this year.

      Source: Financial Times

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