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    Adobe Premiere Pro finally gains support for Apple's M1 chips

    Adobe Premiere Pro finally gains support for Apple's M1 chips

    Adobe recently announced an update to its popular video editing program, Adobe Premiere Pro. The big news that comes with this update is the native support for Macs that have Apple's ARM processor, the M1. In other words, MacBook Pro 13", MacBook Air, iMac 24" and Mac mini now have native Adobe Premiere Pro support.

    According to Adobe, with native support for Apple's M1 processors, the Adobe Premiere Pro is able to run 80% faster compared to Macs with Intel chipset that has the rest of the identical hardware. It was also said by the company that Adobe Sensei features, such as Auto Reframe, are "notably" faster, in addition to consuming less battery.

    In the announcement it is also said that the update of the Premiere Pro got a new feature called Speech to Text, where an "integrated and automated workflow for creating transcripts and captions" is provided. In short, now it will be easier to automatically generate subtitles in your videos.

    After Effects will gain native support for Macs with M1 in 2021

    In the statement released by Adobe, it was also said that the company also intends to offer native support for After Effects in 2021. It is interesting to note that Illustrator, InDesign and Lightroom Classic applications have already gained support to run natively on Macs with M1 in June. 2021.

    Rosetta 2 will no longer be needed to emulate most Adobe apps

    As you can see above, now users of Adobe programs will less and less need to use Rosetta 2 to emulate apps not optimized to run on ARM processors (Apple's M1 in this case). What do you think about the new versions of Adobe programs supporting M1 chips? Share with your friends on social media, tag "Techlifers" and see what their experience is like!

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