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    Apple apologizes for slowing down iPhones

      Initially, evidence showed that older Apple devices ended up having a reduction in speed. However, Apple, before the truth really came out, ended up revealing about the company's planned obsolescence, in which it reduced the performance of its models.

      From then on, Apple found itself in several legal disputes from users who were not happy with the fact.

      Tim Cook's company, at the end of Thursday (28), returned to the public to speak again about the matter through its official website. Again she confirmed to have reduced the performance of older devices in order to save battery and even prevent automatic shutdown.

      Apple apologizes for slowing down iPhones

      Apple has admitted slowing down older devices.

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      Check out Apple's explanation:

      "We've been listening to feedback from our customers about the way we've handled the performance of iPhones with older batteries, and how we've communicated about this process. We know that some of you feel that Apple has let you down. We apologize. There have been many disagreements about this matter, so we'd like to clarify ourselves and let you know what changes we'll be making. First of all, we've never done - and never would - do anything intentionally to shorten the life of an Apple product, or degrade the user experience to force updates Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love, and making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that."

      Apple says the performance drop came with iOS 10.2.1, which received a function to dynamically manage phone resources after peak workloads, which prevents unexpected shutdowns.

      The company even thought it could be a combination of two factors, namely a normal and temporary impact after an iPhone has installed new software and app updates and minor bugs on initial release, which have since been fixed.

      But Apple eventually realized a third factor: the ongoing chemical aging of the batteries in older iPhones. Aware of the fact, the company used two measures, one for remediation and the other for prevention.

      After having to publicly explain the fact, Apple ended up reducing the prices of its services and even promised to launch a function that can show users the health of their iPhone's battery.

      Now, the cost of replacing the out-of-warranty battery has dropped from $79 to $29. The new battery health check service will be released in the next software update which is scheduled for early 2018.

      "At Apple, our customers' trust means everything to us. We will never stop working to earn and maintain that trust. We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support - and we will never forget or belittle it."

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