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    Apple removes 25 apps from the App Store in China

      As we well know, in China, governments have control over what local citizens can access. Because of this, technology companies struggle to conquer a space. Apple, for example, was recently having problems because it was accused of promoting piracy and inappropriate content through the App Store.

      After a few days after the confusion, the Apple company ended up giving in to all state pressure and removed about 25 applications considered illegal by the Chinese. To top it off, the company banned 4 of them for offering gambling, which is banned in the country.

      Apple removes 25 apps from the App Store in China

      Apple removes 25 apps from the App Store in China.

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      "Gaming apps are illegal and not allowed on the App Store of China. We have already removed many apps and developers as a way to stop the distribution of illegal games on our App Store and we are attentive in our efforts to find them and prevent them from re-enter the App Store - Apple said in a statement to CCTV."

      As we can see, with the removal of the entire list of content that was considered illegal, Apple shows that it has an interest in remaining active in the Chinese market. It is worth mentioning that the local government considered banning Apple.

      We still don't have information about the next steps of the Chinese government to put pressure on the company. In any case, some experts believe that this was only the first clash that the Cupertino giant had to face.

      With relations between the United States and China strained, the media as well as the country's censorship may encounter other problems in trying to punish China in the country.

      Google, for example, is trying to resume activities in China, initially, with the launch of its search engine. Of course, all supervised and with censorship measures imposed by the Chinese government.

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