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    iPad explosion prompts Apple to evacuate store in Amsterdam

      An unusual incident occurred at an Apple Amsterdam retail store on Sunday afternoon. At the scene, the battery of an iPad exploded and caused firefighters to evacuate the scene so that people would not be intoxicated with the hazardous substances that could be released into the air.

      During the episode, three Apple employees may have inhaled some released substance. Other people had no problems.

      iPad explosion prompts Apple to evacuate store in Amsterdam

      iPad explosion prompts Apple to evacuate store in Amsterdam.

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      The store ended up being closed for proper ventilation, as the Dutch blog iCulture reports. Upon realizing that the device had exploded, it was immediately placed in a bucket of sand, probably to contain a possible fire.

      It is worth mentioning that this is not an isolated fact involving electronic devices that use batteries, and Apple devices are not safe. Over the years, some users have had their devices damaged by batteries that ended up exploding. It is worth mentioning that the episode cannot be avoided, even if the owner of the device is extremely careful.

      As for an iPad, the Amsterdam event is unique, so there's no reason to panic. It remains unclear what caused the explosion, and whether the iPad that exploded was from exposure or a device taken in for repairs.

      A fact that is always remembered when it comes to battery explosion happened two years ago when Samsung had problems with its Galaxy Note 7, where several users had problems with explosions. At the time, the South Korean company suspended sales of the device and stopped manufacturing.

      From then on, Samsung expanded the security in relation to its batteries so that no other device had the same purpose.

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