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    Apple WWDC 2020: Keynote dev takes place on June 22

    Apple WWDC 2020: Keynote dev takes place on June 22

    Apple's annual developer meeting will take place this year completely online, with in-person sessions being held by appointment, a complete redesign of the developer forums, and more than 100 sessions with the company's software engineers.

    WWDC20 officially starts on June 22nd and runs until the 26th, but some news like the new forums will be available a little earlier, on June 18th.

    WWDC is an annual event organized by Apple itself to bring its developers closer to the company's goals and plans, improving the quality of services and applications offered to users and also offering more learning to those who are already part of the company's system.

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    What to expect?

    Normally during the WWDC we receive announcements from Apple's software part, this year there are great expectations of news, after all a few days ago the news came out that Apple will stop using Intel processors in its notebooks and will start using its own CPUs based on the ARM architecture.

    There is also speculation about the redesign of the new iMac and the arrival of iOS 14 on iPhones, and in the case of iPads, the iPad OS 14. Some believe that iOS 14 should not be released anytime soon after all. iOS 13 update to version 13.5.1 that fixed some exploits that allowed Jailbreak on the company's newest devices.

    Dates and meetings

    As mentioned above, the event will run for three days: from June 22, 2020 (Monday) to June 26, 2020 (Thursday). During these three days there will be personal meetings - which Apple called One-on-One and which require advance scheduling, after all you will have an engineer completely dedicated to you during the time of the meeting.

    They will also have public sessions that will be available to anyone, even if they are not part of the development team or the Apple Developer Program and Apple Developer Enterprise Program.

    If you are registered in one of the programs mentioned above, we recommend that you download the application and follow the event there, here is its link. If you are not registered but would still like to attend some WWDC20 classes and sessions, subscribe to Apple's YouTube channel as that is where a lot of content will be released.

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