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    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    Facebook has strict ad policies, but lately I've seen some ads that have me very intrigued. Impersonating other stores, as seen in the image above, scammers are creating offers campaigns that you would never see in a traditional retail chain.

    All this to steal your data and use it in scams in the future. See how it works.

    the fake ad

    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    the fake ad

    See how much inconsistency in this ad. The advertisement shows the Americanas logo, and the link shows the NOVOMUNDO.COM store, would the Novo Mundo store be able to advertise with the Americanas logo, or vice versa?

    Well, if that wasn't enough, when clicking, we are directed to the link ( In the query by the owners of this domain, we did not find the contacts. (photo below)

    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    Result of domain information

    Quite suspicious and typical of a scam.

    the fake website

    Remember when I said that the site was NOVOMUNDO.COM? How do we enter the link and it shows a page identical to the site?

    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    fake website

    Another sign of the coup. website and the domain is not

    The blow

    I went ahead to try to make the purchase, I pressed the buy button, it directed me to the shopping cart, exactly the same as I proceeded to finalize the purchase and was faced with the login screen.

    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    fake login screen

    I put as login: [email protected] and as password, teste123. There is certainly no such combination on the official American website. But amazingly, the login passed, and worse, asking me to update the registration data, including cell phone number and CPF.

    COMPLAINT! Is Facebook encouraging SCAMS?

    False data theft screen

    Do you understand how the scam works? They make an absurd promotion, trick you with a fake website for you to fill in update data, with your data, scammers can even apply for a loan in your name. This scam is called Phishing Scam, here are 10 tips to avoid falling into Phishing Scam.

    So, be very careful with these promotions that don't make any sense in terms of prices.

    Where does Facebook go wrong in history?

    With the sponsored ad. Increasing the range of this type of move. We are sure that the press office of the social network will send an official opinion on the situation and begin to further improve the criteria of its advertisements here in Spain.

    Until then, read always, check the data, try a wrong password first before complete login, if pass with absurd password, is a strong indication of a coup.

    Read our digital security tips and always be careful when shopping online.

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