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    Steve Wozniak criticizes Facebook's business model and says he's leaving the social network

      In an interview, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said he is leaving Facebook. That's right, after several complaints of misuse of data, Woz, as he is called, said he chose not to use the social network belonging to Mark Zuckerberg anymore.

      Wozniak pointed out during an interview with USA Today "Users give all the details of their lives to Facebook and... Facebook makes a lot of money from ads thereby".

      Tim Cook, Apple's current CEO, was the one who approached this ad-based business model, saying that "Apple could make a lot of money if it made consumers its [products]", in an interview with the website Recorde and the TV network MSNBC. Rebutting, Zuckerberg said that this idea is like Stockholm syndrome, bringing less access to technology to the poorest population, as well as causing delays in development, due to heavy patents and royalties on innovation registration.

      Steve Wozniak criticizes Facebook's business model and says he's leaving the social network

      Steve Wozniak

      Wozniak said he would feel more comfortable if he had to pay for Facebook instead of having his personal information used for commercial purposes. "Apple makes money from good products, not from you. It's like they say, with Facebook, you are the product."

      Currently, it is estimated that 87 million users have had their data used by Cambridge Analytica. However, Facebook revealed that the data of nearly 2 billion users could have been accessed and scraped, the name given to the process of obtaining information based on raw data.

      Tip: Here's how to tell if your Facebook data was leaked to Cambridge Analytica.

      However, this practice will not go unpunished, Mark Zuckerbeg will have to explain himself to US lawmakers. Starting this Monday (09), Facebook will also start communicating users who have had their data reported to Cambridge Analytica.

      In this way, Apple executives take advantage of the moment to emphasize that such a practice will never happen in the company, due to the fact that the company does not monetize its users, but its products.

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