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    It is now mandatory to have a Facebook account to use Messenger

      It is now mandatory to have a Facebook account to use Messenger

      Until recently, it was possible to create a Messenger account using only the mobile number, something very useful for those who did not want to be part of Facebook just to use the messaging service. However, Mark Zuckerberg's social network decided to remove this option.

      So from now on, new users will need to have a Facebook account to be able to use Messenger. After discovering this change, many people took to Reddit complaining that they cannot access the messaging app without having a linked Facebook account.

      The help center of the social network already shows that it is no longer possible to create new accounts using the mobile number. The text says, "Can I sign up for Messenger without a Facebook account?". Soon after we have the answer: "No, you need to create a Facebook account to use Messenger".

      In one of the posts on Reddit, a user said: "I was trying to set up a second Messenger account and there is no longer an option to sign up without Facebook. Now you should create a Facebook profile. I was wondering if anyone else is going through it."

      Therefore, those who used Messenger only with their registered mobile number will have two options: migrate to another messaging service, such as Telegram, for example, or create a Facebook account for this purpose.

      However, the latter may not be a good idea for those who value privacy, given that the social network has admitted that it tracks users' location even with GPS disabled.


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