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    Exynos 2200 blasts the Apple A14 in graphics and will be used in smartphones and laptops

    Exynos 2200 blasts the Apple A14 in graphics and will be used in smartphones and laptops

    Three new chips from Samsung are expected for this year, the Exynos 800 for mid-range devices, the Exynos 1200 for high performance and the top-of-the-line Exynos 2200. The latter in particular is intended for smartphones and laptops that use the Android system. , with similar architecture between the two versions but optimized for different types of devices.

    The architecture in question is based on AMD's RDNA, which confirms previous rumors that Samsung is indeed working on a processor with an AMD GPU. The manufacturer's intention is to launch this chip in 2021, but appearing in the first devices from next year.

    Sources also confirm that the Exynos 2200 will have a version developed for compact laptops running the Windows On ARM operating system, and may be presented in the last quarter of this year. But talking about the mobile version of the processor, leaker @TheGalox_ released this Tuesday (2) some precise numbers about something that had already been speculated: the Exynos 2200 is better than Apple's A14!

    2021 Exynos
    exynos 8xx
    exynos 12xx
    exynos 22xx

    — Ice universe (@UniverseIce) March 2, 2021

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    Samsung Exynos 2200 vs A14 Apple

    Despite the result of the recently launched Exynos 2100 not exceeding expectations and regaining the trust of users, the Exynos 2200 has presented a certain advantage not only over its predecessor, but also over its rival A14 from Apple. According to the source, the Samsung chip has twice as fast performance and GPU as the Apple version and 2,5 times as fast as the Exynos 2100.

    With the promise of becoming the next high-end chip, the new Exynos has significantly higher numbers than those offered in iPhones and iPads, for example. Still without an official release date, the Exynos 2200 is indicated to power Samsung's next flagship in the smartphone business, but there is still an obstacle in which it is necessary to wait for AMD's official announcement for its new mobile GPU that should happen in June, and the Exynos line may arrive shortly after that.

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