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    Samsung Electronics president charged with union sabotage

      Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Sang-hoon has been indicted for allegedly sabotaging unions in what prosecutors say is a violation of South Korean labor laws, the Financial Times reports.

      Lee became president in March of this year, and will now stand trial along with 31 other executives from Samsung and its affiliates. It is worth mentioning that this is the latest case in a vast series of corruption allegations against company executives.

      Samsung Electronics president charged with union sabotage

      Lee Sang-hoon. (Photo: Publicity)

      Prosecutors say Samsung has an ongoing policy of not tolerating unions, which has resulted in only fewer than 300 of South Korea's 200.000 employees becoming members of these organizations.

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      Lee is being accused of sabotaging a labor union that was formed in 2013 when he was CFO. Prosecutors described it as "an organized crime that mobilized the company to its fullest capacity".

      Executives are being accused of threatening to cut employee salaries and remove the businesses of subcontractors who supported unionization.

      Recall that the Vice President of Samsung was sentenced to 5 years in prison for bribery.

      Fonte: Financial Times. Via: The Verge

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