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    Facebook apologizes for showing inappropriate content in suggestions

      After inappropriate content appeared as suggestions last Thursday night (15), in the United Kingdom, Facebook went public to apologize for what happened.

      According to information, Facebook started to suggest search terms related to sexual acts through the auto-complete function, which made several users uncomfortable.

      Facebook apologizes for showing inappropriate content in suggestions

      Facebook apologizes for showing inappropriate content in suggestions.

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      In addition, content such as sensual videos and photos also emerged, as well as about school massacres, which is not something intended for all audiences.

      In searches, it is possible to come across phrases such as "video of girl sucking *** under water" and "videos of the thrown from school". As we can see, inappropriate content for most users of the social network.

      However, when alerted to the fact, Facebook quickly intervened and the algorithm returned to normal, and thus, suggesting the correct content.

      "When we became aware of offensive suggestions, we removed them. Searches are representations of what people are looking for most on Facebook and do not necessarily reflect actual content on the platform. We do not allow sexually explicit imagery and are committed to keeping this type of content off the site. ."

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