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    Facebook launches new campaign against Apple policy in iOS 14

    Facebook launches new campaign against Apple policy in iOS 14

    The controversy between Facebook and Apple still has a lot of "cloth up its sleeve". The owner of iOS remains vehemently defending the change in the format of sharing data of its users for the indication of ads, and as Facebook has not yet swallowed this, a new campaign reaches iPhone users, encouraging the permission for tracking of Dice.

    What happens is that many companies, such as Facebook, often collect user data in order to personalize ads to an individual person based on demographics, geographic location, interests and activity. On the other hand, Apple considered this an attitude that infringes on the privacy of its users, and since the end of last year, it has started to force application developers to explicitly request users' permission, something that left Mark's social network Zuckerberg very unhappy.

    In order to get around the situation, Facebook turned to newspapers, prepared a lawsuit against the Cupertino company and now launches a campaign that promises to help small businesses.

    facebook vs. Apple: Understand once and for all the reason for this fight

    "Good ideas deserve to be found"

    This Thursday (25), the social network created a video ad with the slogan "Good ideas deserve to be found". Check the description of the ad and then the video;

    The world is full of good ideas. Now, thanks to personalized ads, small businesses can be found. Good ideas deserve to be found.

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    This campaign created by Facebook is a cry for its users to continue allowing the platform to track and collect data about their tastes in order to personalize ads. The curious thing is that the tone of the video is kind of comical, with Facebook indicating that this data tracking is a new thing, which it really isn't. Until the arrival of iOS 14.5, Facebook always collected the data of its users and still continues to do so in the case of those who did not take a stand with their permission option.

    We can also see that the video talks more about Facebook and Instagram users buying something, than small businesses themselves. It is clear that the stance of the social network against Apple makes sense, and behind the scenes it is possible to see that in one way or another, the platform has sought to help these small ventures. An example of this is that Facebook is waiving fees for companies that sell products with checkout in stores until June 2021 and will not charge fees on paid online events until August.

    However, despite these gestures promising to help small businesses with some advertising costs, some people don't seem to agree with the campaign, and proof of that is the number of "likes and dislikes" in the video. At the time of writing this article, the video has only 70 likes, while more than 2.100 people have disapproved of the ad. Comments are also disabled.

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