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    Facebook now has a snooze button to mute annoying friends

      Facebook now has a snooze button to mute annoying friends

      Facebook has released a new option in the feed of the social network that works like the snooze function of your alarm clock, which, when activated, leaves selected users out of your timeline for 30 days. This feature was made available to help those users who wish to remain with friendships, but without being forced to view the absurd publications that some people publish on the social network.

      Currently, to avoid annoying friends on Facebook, it was necessary to unfriend them or unfollow their updates. Now, the new feature can be accessed directly from the user's post or from the contact page. The tool is similar to the one adopted by the WhatsApp application to mute groups.

      Snooze can also be used on pages that appear on your likes lists. With this, the main objective is to prevent spans during commercial dates, such as Black Friday and Christmas, for example.

      The new tool became available last Friday (15), but some time ago it was already being tested with smaller groups of users. The idea is that the tool will reach the entire Facebook audience within the next few days.

      What did you think of this new feature on the social network? Leave your comment.

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