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    Facebook tests implementing audio and video calls in its main app

    Facebook tests implementing audio and video calls in its main app

    According to reports, Facebook is testing the function of making voice and video calls through its main app. The information comes via the Bloomberg website, where it is said that its users will start to see "a little more of that over time".

    In 2011, the features present in the standalone Messenger app were part of the main Facebook app. But messaging-related functionality was removed in 2014, forcing users to migrate to the Messenger app.

    Voice and video calls are two of Messenger's many features. Facebook has not said whether it intends to bring other Messenger features back to its main app. However, the company's director of product management assured Bloomberg that this will happen over time.

    The Verge website also got confirmation from Facebook that voice and video calling tests are taking place in "various countries, including the US". It was not said how many users will have access to the new feature or what that means for the Messenger app. It was only said that except "for a full-featured messaging, audio and video calling experience, people should continue to use Messenger".

    It's not the first time Facebook has considered absorbing Messenger into its main app.

    In the year 2019, Facebook even tested text chats in its main app through an inbox on Oculos, Instagram and WhatsApp.

    Facebook is testing Reels in its newsfeed

    Recently, Facebook started adding Instagram Reels to its main app. Check out all the details about the implementation of this new feature here.

    What do you think of Facebook's decision? Did you like it? Share with your friends on social media and tag "Techlifers"!

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