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    Google and Samsung are among the most valuable brands in the world

      Tech companies, in general, tend to be quite valuable in the market. Forbes magazine recently published the new 2018 Most Valuable Brands Index, with Google and Samsung coming in second and seventh, respectively. According to the publication, the Google brand is valued at around $132,1 billion. The company is behind Apple which is in the lead with a value of US$ 182,8 billion.

      Forbes cites that what Google values ​​most is its search engine, which accounts for 80% of searches made through the internet. To top it off, the company has also been growing in value over the years as its revenues increase through advertisements through its platform.

      Google and Samsung are among the most valuable brands in the world

      Google and Samsung are among the most valuable brands in the world.

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      Samsung gained prominence for having left the tenth place for the seventh in relation to the last year and the current one. The company's brand, to top it off, achieved a notable appreciation, rising to US$ 47,6 billion.

      The magazine points out that, even though Samsung sells many more smartphones than Apple, it still faces problems in achieving good profitability in the sector. For this reason, the company still needs to invest in ways to increase its revenues through the sale of more basic devices.

      The Forbes 2018 ranking also includes other technology companies, in addition to Apple, Google and Samsung. Microsoft appears in third place, with a value of US$ 104,8 billion. Already in fourth place is Facebook with a valuation of US$ 94,8 billion. Amazon appears in the fifth position with a value of US$ 70,9 billion.

      The magazine points out that Netflix was the company that drew the most attention precisely because it managed to increase its market value, even surpassing Disney. PayPal also performed well with growth of around 33%.

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