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    Google Photos, in "high quality" mode, will damage images, says company

    For many years Google has encouraged its users to store their photos in Google Photos in high quality mode, allowing them to upload unlimited images. According to Anil Sabharwal, a Google employee, the service would offer "almost identical visual quality" compared to the original file. However, in an email from Google Photos, it was said that users would benefit from switching from the high quality upload mode to the original quality, as otherwise the images would be at risk of being damaged.

    Google recently announced that it will no longer provide the ability to upload unlimited photos and from June 1, 2021, the user will only have 15GB of space to enjoy on Google's cloud. Because of this, Google is in a process of raising awareness of its users to organize themselves until the moment of leaving photo storage limited. In the email sent to Google Photos users, it says:

    "Original quality photos preserve most details and allow you to enlarge, crop and print photos with less pixelation."

    Still in the email, there's a demo photo of what Google's compression in "high quality" mode can do.

    Google Photos, in

    demo photo of what Google compression in "high quality" mode can do. Source: Google
    Google Photos adds automatic image editing function using AI

    Google email destroys illusion about the image users had of Google Photos

    By sending this message and image to the email of all its users, Google ended up destroying the illusion that users had about the service. This is because the company, at the beginning of the image storage service in 2015, promised unlimited high-quality storage. Now, the company is paying the price and is encouraging its users to upgrade to the Google Photos paid plan.

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