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    How about forgetting all about a series so you can watch it again? Samsung helps you

    In modern times, a person who doesn't watch or is addicted to series isn't even a good person, right? Just like first-timers, there are also those who have even seen the same sequence of many episodes more than once just for the pleasure and appreciation of the work. Now, have you ever thought if you could forget everything you know and saw it in a series, only to be able to watch it all over again as if it were the first time?

    For Samsung (in a campaign to sell its newest televisions), in partnership with HBO and hypnosis experts, launched - a self-hypnosis service that promises to fulfill this wish. 

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    There's only one thing that could ruin your (series) experience - that you already know how it all ends. That's why we created Unspoil me; a tool that gives you the opportunity to forget about your favorite TV series, so you can experience it with the same exhilarating feeling you had the first time you watched it. - says the website.

    How about forgetting all about a series so you can watch it again? Samsung helps you

    Go try?

    It is a 23-minute video in which certified hypnosis specialists Ulf Sandström and Fredrik Praesto do a concentration and deep meditation exercise with the "client". As a result of the procedure, after a good night's sleep, the user may forget about a series, movie or video, not recognize characters and other related things. 

    The rationale for the project is to provide the experience of watching your favorite series as if it were the first time. 

    How it works?

    You decide which series or movie you want to "erase" from memory. You will then be guided through the self-hypnosis section to the deepest moment of concentration. You will be asked to remember specific moments when you were watching the series so that your brain erases this data. 

    It's important not to be interrupted during the process so that everything doesn't go down the drain - recommends the site. You are also asked to get a good night's sleep to interact your brain with the rest of your body before going back to watch your favorite series. 

    But does it really work?

    There it is with you. For some people it works, for others not so much. What experts say is that it takes full concentration on the procedure and wanting it to work. 

    To access the site click here and try it - at your own risk. =)

    PS: both the website and the audio and video are in English and it is necessary to understand to carry out the activities correctly.


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