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    In China, Samsung's share is not very expressive

      Samsung is a large company, having its products as the best sellers in the world. It is considered one of the largest cell phone manufacturers today, with a high number of sales. However, when we mention China, the matter is different. There, the company does not have a great recognition.

      In the second quarter of 2018, for example, the company recorded a new drop in sales there, with less than 1%. What ended up being only in the 12th place in the local market, even with its great recovery efforts.

      The data comes from Strategy Analytics and also says that the South Korean sold only 800 devices in China between the months of April and July. The number in question represents just 0,8% of the Chinese market, and still marks a 1,3% drop in Market Share recorded in the first quarter of the year.

      For those who think that the situation is current, they are wrong. Samsung has been facing the issue for years. An example of this, in 2015, the company had 20% of the country's market, however, a sequence of falls and the difficulty in maintaining traction in the Chinese territory caused the brand to be below 1% in the fourth quarter of 2017.

      In China, Samsung's share is not very expressive

      In China, Samsung's share is not very expressive.

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      Taking into account a quarter with few launches, with low sales, and still with strong competition with local manufacturers, which offer lower cost devices and excellent standard specifications, Samsung lost even more space.

      Samsung's fall is in line with the rise of smaller companies, which are already attracting attention in the international market. Huawei is currently a huge market leader and has been at the top for a while now, with 27% market share recorded in Q2018 XNUMX.

      Then OPPO, with a 20,4% share, Vivo (19%), and Xiaomi (14,2%). Apple appears in a different situation from Samsung, which is already present among the top five in the Chinese market with a share of 5,7% and with growth every quarter.

      Samsung has not commented on the numbers, however, all this should appear in the next fiscal report.

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